"Paediatric services"

About: Princess Alexandra Hospital / Paediatrics

(as a relative),

My grand-daughter was referred to the Paediatric department at Harlow at 2 weeks of age. She had been breast fed and was having profuse vomiting and loose stools.

They were seen quickly in the Paediatric A&E and triaged as urgent, several doctors attended her and attempted to insert a cannula. When this was unsuccessful, an alternative was tried of giving her fluids with a nasogastric tube, and this was successful. She was admitted for 48 hours observation and antibiotics. While on the Paediatric wards, we were impressed by the electronic PEWS system, and the staff always responded when we asked for help. My daughter was referred to a dietician and put on a special diet. A consultant inserted a cannula for her and did a scan of her heart, for which we were grateful.

When she was discharged, follow up at a local clinic was arranged, but the discharge paperwork was not ready, so my daughter left the ward without it and still had not received it four days later.

May I encourage staff in the ward to write in the baby's red book, which is a document that is intended to enhance communication between the health professionals involved.

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Response from Princess Alexandra Hospital 6 years ago
Princess Alexandra Hospital
Submitted on 20/11/2017 at 15:39
Published on nhs.uk at 16:34

Dear Anonymous,

So sorry to hear about your grand-daughter and pleased to read she is now out of hospital.

I was especially pleased to read about your comment on the new technology introduced onto the wards (PEWS) and the quick responses from staff when you needed help. We do encourage staff to use the red book and it is our usual practice to give Discharge Summaries to you at discharge, but if we do not do so, we would always send it to your GP. Sorry that was not possible this time, thank you for feeding it back and I have ensured this is passed on to the team.

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