"Day surgery admission"

About: Royal Hospital for Children (Glasgow) / Day surgery Royal Hospital for Children (Glasgow) / Theatres, recovery and Anesthetics

(as a parent/guardian),

My son was admitted as a day case for investigation under general anaesthetic. He was extremely nervous. The anaesthetist that assessed him was great, suggested a premed and the ENT surgeon was very helpful too.

The two nurses who collected him to take him down to theatre were amazing with him and me when I broke down in tears as he was being put under.

Back in recovery the nurses were ok, didn’t really approach us didn’t introduce themselves and didn’t come over to reassure us both when he was still coming round and was quite agitated and teary. I had to ask for a sick bowl for him too.

At break time, there was a hand over and another nurse came over, introduced themselves and spoke to my son and me. They made sure we were both ok and asked my son if he was hungry and did he want a drink. They arranged some toast for him and after that offered him some icecream and jelly. They popped over a few times, also attending to the others in the bay and made themselves available to us all.

The other nurses returned from break and just sat at the wee desk and didn’t interact and kept their heads down flicking through what looked like folders. The hand over nurse had to leave, and said they would be back soon. We were left wondering what happens next, when is it decided about discharge? Does he need more obs done?

After another 20/30 mins I approached one of the nurses who were sitting at the desk and asked if his cannula could come out as it was causing my son a bit of discomfort. They asked me if he had eaten and drank and I said yes and rhymed off what he had taken. they said they were going to check on the patient in the next bay and then come back. They didn’t.

When the hand over nurse came back in they came over and asked my son if he was feeling ok and did he feel like he was ready to go home. What a relief… someone paying some attention and helping. They removed his cannula, was great with him as he was very worried and apprehensive about it coming out. They were very calm and kind and I was feeling quite reassured about his discharge. I noted the two other nurses just sat at the wee desk and didn’t see them participate with any of the other patients, there were 3 other bays with kids in them. 

Suggestions: letting parents know what to expect regarding discharge, a step by step of what happens with some timeframes. It was our first surgical admission with no idea how things run in a children’s ward. 

Having said all that, the majority of the staff were very welcoming, from right at the start from taking us from the waiting area to taking him to theatre for his surgery. 

The doctor came round afterwards too and explained what was found and that my son was able to go home that afternoon. 

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Response from Mandy Meechan, Chief Nurse, Paediatrics, Royal Hospital for Children nearly 2 years ago
Mandy Meechan
Chief Nurse, Paediatrics,
Royal Hospital for Children
Submitted on 07/12/2022 at 11:55
Published on Care Opinion at 11:55

Dear Buttercup7654,

I was sorry to hear you and your son's experience was not as positive as it should have been during your recent visit to our hospital.

I hope your son is recovering well from his procedure, as I can only imagine how nervous he was prior to his procedure; however, it was lovely to hear how he and you felt very supported by the medical and nursing team in the lead up to going to theatre and they were equally as supportive of you when you became upset.

It was also good to hear the nurses who came in for handover a couple of times during his post operative phase were supporting, calm and kind to you and your son and you felt reassured when you left the hospital.

I will pass your kind words to the staff involved

Regarding you and your son's less positive experience whilst in recovery and the attitude and behaviour of the staff in the unit, sitting at the desk and not engaging, this is not the experience we strive to give our patients and families and please be reassured that this will be addressed.

If you wish to contact myself or the SCN of the ward, then we will be happy to pick this up with yourself for further information and we can review this matter in greater detail. My email is mandy.meechan@ggc.scot.nhs.uk and the SCN is emma.mcginlay@ggc.scot.nhs.uk

Thanks, you for your Care Opinion post and the sharing of you and your son's journey we always aim to learn and improve our services and take your comments on board to improve, these will help us in our discussions and improvements in our engagement with our patients and families.

Kind Regards


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