My son in law was admitted to ICU Forth valley royal after being seen in A&E. Within a very short time he was in theatre for an emergency operation he was then taken to ICU where he remained for 12 days. For 10 of those days he was on a ventilator.
The staff gave 100% - the care and compassion was on another level not just to my son in law but to my daughter ,grandchildren and us as a family The Consultants & Nursing staff were beyond amazing. Nothing was ever too much trouble and they made time for us no matter how busy they were.
There are no words to explain our gratitude to the dedicated team in ICU we as a family will never be able to thank them enough.The care, kindness and compassion shown is not just through their job but also the type of people they are. We would love for them to be recognised & to let them know we are forever grateful to them from a very relieved family.
Our son in law is home and doing well.The aftercare has also been fantastic massive thanks also to Maximillo Team at FVRH for ongoing input & continued follow up also Emma ICU Phychologist
Thank you - we will be forever grateful
"Admission to ICU"
About: Forth Valley Royal Hospital / Accident & emergency Forth Valley Royal Hospital Accident & emergency FK5 4WR Forth Valley Royal Hospital / Intensive care unit Forth Valley Royal Hospital Intensive care unit FK5 4WR Forth Valley Royal Hospital / Oral and maxillofacial surgery Forth Valley Royal Hospital Oral and maxillofacial surgery FK5 4WR
Posted by melonkr49 (as ),
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