"Very unhelpful and uncaring attitude"

About: General practices in Greater Glasgow & Clyde

(as a relative),

My 92-year-old aunt had been a patient of this practice since she was born. She has some mobility and balance problems and had told the practice previously that she has extreme difficulty managing the stairs at either entrance to the surgery.

She had been unwell with a very bad cold type virus for a few weeks in December and as she was not getting any better despite taking paracetamol, staying at home, etc, so she phoned to ask her GP to visit her at home. (NB She is of the generation that doesn't ask for a home visit unless it's really necessary.)

She was told that she would have to come to the surgery as the GPs were too busy to come out to her! They were aware that she found the entrance stairs virtually impossible but were insistent that she should go to the surgery. To me, their attitude beggars belief!

I spoke to the GP concerned and was told that they can see 6 patients in the surgery in the time that it would take to come out to see my aunt. Remember, this is a 92-year-old who'd been unwell for a few weeks that we're talking about here. I was then told that they're short staffed.

I eventually got the GP to agree to do a house visit, but my aunt was terrified that the GP would be angry with her because they had wanted her to go out to the surgery - no patient should be made to feel intimidated like this. I was told that the way forward from all of this would be for my aunt to register with a different practice.

Two things concern me here: 

1. The very unhelpful and uncaring attitude of practice staff 

2. The fact that the practice is allowed to operate in a building which is unsuitable for anybody who has difficulty with stairs. Surely this is against disability law, let alone making access difficult for many patients who are, by definition, unwell?

My aunt has decided to leave this practice, after 92 years as a patient there, and has registered elsewhere.

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Response from Nicole McInally, Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde nearly 2 years ago
Nicole McInally
Patient Experience and Public Involvement Project Manager, PEPI,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 06/04/2023 at 14:48
Published on Care Opinion at 14:48

picture of Nicole McInally


I am very sorry to hear about your Aunt’s experiences with her GP Surgery and that she was left feeling intimated and like an inconvenience. No-one should be made to feel like this.

GP practices in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operate their own feedback and complaints systems and are not registered to respond to feedback received via Care Opinion. Therefore, can I suggest that you contact the Practice Manager to discuss your concerns about their Practice?

If that is something you might find difficult to do there is an independent service called PASS (Patient Advice and Support Service) who can help you to give feedback, raise concerns or make a complaint about any health service, including GP practices. It is free and entirely confidential. You can contact PASS on 0800 917 2127 or visit their website at Patient Advice & Support Service | Citizens Advice Scotland (cas.org.uk).

I hope that your Aunt is now feeling better.

Kind Regards


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