Through NHS Fife Rheumatology service I was offered a block of appointments with clinical health psychology to support me with my mental health. Assistant Psychologist Rory met with me via video-link fortnightly, which was ideal for me as it meant I wasn't needing to travel when I felt sore or overwhelmed.
The sessions provided me with chance to reflect on my feelings and create tools to help me with certain issues. Rory was very reassuring and personable during these appointments, which put me at ease as I was initially incredibly anxious about the whole process. He worked to create a sound therapeutic relationship using humour and down to earth language whilst remaining professional.
When an appointment needed to be rescheduled, Rory ensured this was done with no inconvenience to myself and communicated well throughout. I felt valued in that Rory remembered things of importance I had mentioned that I had forgotten I'd even talked about which was very person-centred and felt genuine.
Rory offered to consult with others on his team - great example of multidisciplinary working. I am very grateful to Rory and the rest of the NHS Fife Rheumatology team who gave me this opportunity to work on the issues I had been experiencing in the aftermath of my diagnosis and provided me with a self-management plan going forward.
"Created a sound therapeutic relationship"
About: Fife Community Services / Rheumatology Fife Community Services Rheumatology
Posted by LHT (as ),
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