I had need to phone 111 in May this year. I live on the Isle of Mull and so need to take into account extra time to get to the ferry and then to appointment.
I needed to know if I could start taking the first of two doses in preparation for the procedure. Karen was the call handler and straightaway was incredible. Calming, kind, friendly, helpful and reassuring. Clear in her way of keeping me informed as to what was happening next.
I felt very reassured and am very grateful. Helped immensely with need to follow advice for procedure. Endless gratitude to the NHS and all who work in this astounding Health Service.
"Calming, kind, friendly, helpful and reassuring."
About: NHS 24 / NHS 24 (111 service) NHS 24 NHS 24 (111 service)
Posted by Sagitarius29 (as ),
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