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"At every point we were met with people who genuinely cared"

About: Royal Hospital for Children (Glasgow) / Accident & Emergency Royal Hospital for Children (Glasgow) / Day surgery Royal Hospital for Children (Glasgow) / Ear, Nose & Throat (ward 3b) Royal Hospital for Children (Glasgow) / Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Ward 1D

(as a parent/guardian),

My 22-month-old daughter is currently an outpatient with ENT; it’s been almost a year since she received a laryngotracheal reconstruction at 8 months old to fix her trachea due to subglottic stenosis. It was a very intense 4-month period of various scopes and procedures, trips back and forth and 3 inturbations in PICU for varying amounts of time. As well as catching multiple viruses on top of this, it was not a good time at all. 

Although we were going through a terrifying time, it was made better by our experience throughout the hospital where every person involved showed a genuine interest in our daughter and we felt her safety was paramount. She was not sent home until they were completely happy with her.
I cannot thank every person we encountered in the hospital for making our time easier by showing kindness and compassion, offering cups of tea and comforting me through the particularly difficult times. 
I am grateful every day for my daughter’s consultant, Tash, for taking me seriously and listening to me about my concerns, for regularly checking in with us throughout our stay and keeping us updated with what was happening, explaining it in a way that was clear to understand. I am grateful for the whole ENT team and anaesthetists for the procedures they carried out as there were many, I think my daughter met nearly everyone. 
The theatre staff were amazing and made me feel so at ease. It is not easy watching your baby be sedated and leaving her with people you do not know and waiting for sometimes hours to see her again, however all of the people we met in theatre were so friendly and helpful. 
Everyone in PICU were kind and the atmosphere was bubbly and positive which helped make our times there slightly better. All of the nurses were friendly and chatty and always made sure I was allowed to hold my daughter even with lots of tubes and wires everywhere, they were happy to move things about to let me sit and hold her. 
The staff in 3B were brilliant and even though they were extremely busy they still managed to smile and have a quick chat and it never seemed like any request was a bother - even though it definitely was when I was asking for milk to be heated up several times a day and night. Those quick chats really saved my sanity some days as I was myself with my daughter a lot so the days were long and tiring. 
I had to attend A&E with my daughter once more as she caught bronchiolitis again and I was worried about how she would be after her operation. Again, we were taken seriously and seen relatively quickly. My daughter was checked over and observed over a short period, I was reassured that things were okay. 

I often describe our experience as the ‘best-worst experience’ we could have had because at every point we were met with people who genuinely cared, which had not been our experience prior to attending the children’s hospital.

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Response from Mandy Meechan, Chief Nurse, Paediatrics, Royal Hospital for Children 13 months ago
Mandy Meechan
Chief Nurse, Paediatrics,
Royal Hospital for Children
Submitted on 31/05/2023 at 10:52
Published on Care Opinion at 10:52

Dear Ail924,

Reading your post I can see what a long and difficult journey you and your daughter have been on, over a considerable period of time with surgery having to be carried out and multiple invasive procedures also required as part of her care, I can't imagine how difficult this must have been for you and the family but I do sincerely hope she is doing better now, although I appreciate she is still attending the ENT clinic for follow up.

Although it was a terrifying time for you all it was lovely to read that throughout your experience this was made bearable by the support and understanding from all the teams you were in contact with during your daughters journey.

I will make sure your daughter's Consultant Tash is aware of your post and the rest of the teams involved as I am sure they will be delighted to have received your feedback, in particular for Tash and the ENT team who were listening to your concerns and keeping you regularly updated on the plans for your daughter.

Hearing how difficult it was for you to have your daughter sedated and leaving her with people you do not know, must have been very scary for you, but to read how amazing the theatre staff at this time must have been reassuring to you.

Having to have your daughter go to Picu post theatre, again would be very scary but reading all staff were very friendly and positive making your time there slightly better and giving you the opportunity to hold your daughter and give her cuddles despite all the wires and tubes attached to her, must have been some comfort to you both.

Good to hear the staff in 3B were always happy to help and give a chat to you, and nothing being a bother was great to hear and how they were a welcome reprieve in the long and tiring days whilst you were in hospital.

Having to attend the Emergency Department when your daughter became unwell post theatre would have been very worrying but to be seen quickly and reassured all was well must have been a welcome relief.

Thank you for your lovely post on Care Opinion and the positive comments re your experience as it means a lot to get feedback and to be able to share with all teams involved as they will be very appreciative of the time you have taken to comment on your experience.

Kind Regards


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