"Poor experience at outpatient appointment"

About: Medway Hospital / Nephrology

(as the patient),

I have been visiting this renal unit at Medway maritime hospital for quite a few years.  The nurses who I see I always very friendly and are interested in me as I always have conversations with them.  The nurses always check my weight and blood pressure to give to the consultant nephrologist before I see him.  I know I am always guaranteed a smile when I see the nurses and a friendly chat.

Then I sit in the waiting area waiting to see the senior member of staff.  When they come to get me, I find they speak in a rude tone and doesn’t greet me whatsoever, doesn’t even say hello.  The first thing they say is to take my face mask off.  I have never found them to be friendly or even had a bit of small talk with them.  They seem rushed and at times when asked a question I manage to get one syllable out before being interrupted and having the  question answered for me, which is sometimes the wrong answer.

When I have concerns about my condition they are not interested in listening to me, and I am never given the opportunity to ask any questions.  During one consultation they  answered their mobile phone whilst I was sitting there and was speaking on it for about 5 minutes.  That I found unacceptable.  I can hope the next time I see them I get greeted with a hello.

I suggest they take some training in how to listen and be interested in patients concerns and how not to keep interrupting when the patient is talking or answering a question.  I have been wanting to ask questions for about 2 appointments now but the first time I was about to ask something they got up and told me to follow them so they  could see my dad who was in the waiting room. The second time I was unable to ask questions - they seemed rude and wanting to rush me out the door.

I’m getting scared that when my condition worsens that they won't  listen to me.  I have seen a lot of different hospital staff in my life all for different reasons and I am sorry to say this is the worst experience yet.

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Response from Patient Feedback Co-Ordinator, Patient Voice and Involvement, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust nearly 2 years ago
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 08/06/2023 at 15:52
Published on Care Opinion at 15:56

Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback. I am so sorry to read that you are struggling to get answers to questions you have relating to your treatment. I completely understand how frustrating that must be and appreciate that can only add to the concerns you have surrounding your condition.

I'm also sorry to read that staff are rude when speaking to you. This is not the way we expect the staff in our Trust to act towards our patients, which I'm sure makes what you are feeling already so much worse.

I am however glad that the nurses when you first enter the unit are friendly and treat you with a smile. We understand staff are dealing with all sorts of pressures and stress themselves but this is how we would like all our staff to be towards our patients.

If you would like us to look into what happened, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on tel: 01227 783145 or email: ekh-tr.pals@nhs.net. PALS are open Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm, except bank holidays. If you phone and get the voicemail please leave a message and the team will get back to you.

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