"Older people getting lost in the Hospital"

About: Craigavon Area Hospital / Fracture Clinic Craigavon Area Hospital / Orthopaedic Outpatients Craigavon Area Hospital / Radiography services

(as a service user),

Today at an appointment in Craigavon I witnessed 2 different older people who got confused when going from x-ray to the fracture clinic. On both occasions the lovely radiologist give them directions of where to go when the left x ray but one of the patients wandered about the hospital for 15 minutes before arriving back at x ray. I then had to show her where to go.

The second elderly man with his wife in a wheelchair came out of X-ray, went to the receptionist at the X-ray and they told him to take a seat in the waiting room again so he sat back down in the X-ray waiting room when he should have gone to the fracture clinic waiting room. 20mins after my X-ray he was still sitting there so I approached him and took him and his wife back to the fracture clinic with me.

I felt so sorry for these elderly people on both occasions. They were so confused and lost. Only I had heard the radiologist tell them what clinic they were to go to, these poor people would probably still be sitting there or still wondering about the hospital. I witnessed these 2 incidents within a 30 minute period and I wonder how many times this happens in a day.

Can something or someone be put in place to help the elderly be escorted from one clinic to another? Craigavon hospital is a total maze and has become so confusing. A massive map at the entrance might help the younger people to navigate the different clinics but the older people might need lines of the floor or for a reception/care assistant to take the elderly from an outpatient clinic to x ray.

All the nurses and radiologists today were lovely but I’m sure they have lost a lot of their time trying to find these patients.

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Response from Ann Tate, Lead, Surgery and Clinical Services Directorate, Southern Health and Social Care Trust nearly 2 years ago
Ann Tate
Lead, Surgery and Clinical Services Directorate,
Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Submitted on 16/06/2023 at 09:07
Published on Care Opinion at 09:07

Thank you for taking the time to write to us and bringing this to our attention.

I have asked our staff, when possible to escort elderly patients from the X-Ray dept to the corridor that leads to the Fracture clinic for the short term until we can arrange for a more permanent method of direction.

Ann Tate

Principal Lead Radiographer

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Response from Laura Murphy, Ward sister fracture clinic/orthopaedic outpatients, Surgery and Clinical Services Directorate, Southern Health and Social Care Trust 14 months ago
We have made a change
Laura Murphy
Ward sister fracture clinic/orthopaedic outpatients, Surgery and Clinical Services Directorate,
Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Submitted on 14/12/2023 at 15:44
Published on Care Opinion at 17:00

picture of Laura Murphy

Thank you for taking the time to leave us feedback. I would like to update you and let you know that following your recommendation, we have implemented stickers on the floor for patient's to follow from Orthopaedic Outpatients to x-ray reception (please see below). We hope that these along with some additional signage will make it easier for patient's to find their way between our departments. Thank you for your suggestion.

Kind regards

Laura Murphy

Fracture Clinic SisterImage title

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