"Excellent support from the Ambulance service"

About: Northern Ireland Ambulance Service / Emergency ambulance response

(as a relative),

On two occasions this week I needed an ambulance - once for a colleague at work and second time for a member of my family. On both occasions the same crew came out and I would like to say thank you to them both.

I don’t remember their names but they are stationed in Ballymoney. On the first occasion a colleague had a very low blood sugar.

When they arrived they were calm and took everything under control. They gave clear instructions so I could still help and explained clearly what they were concerned about and how it was best managed. The crew were both efficient and compassionate and we were very grateful for their expertise.

On the second occasion my aunt was unwell. She had only been discharged from hospital and we were concerned about her heart rate. Again the crew were exceptional- they spent time reassuring her. She is in her eighties and lives alone and it has been a very scary time for her. They were both kind and used good humour to help her calm down. They explained everything to her and myself as her next of kin and gave clear instructions on what to look out for as there no need for transfer to hospital.

We were grateful to be included in the decisions and again their expertise and skill were very clear. As a nurse I know the pressures the ambulance service are under and I appreciate their shifts can be extremely busy but on both occasions they demonstrated the true values of a health professional. I am extremely grateful for their support this week. I hope they know the difference they make on every shift

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Response from Neil Gillan, Co-Production & Partnership Lead, Quality, Safety & Improvement, Northern Ireland Ambulance Service 15 months ago
Neil Gillan
Co-Production & Partnership Lead, Quality, Safety & Improvement,
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service
Submitted on 22/06/2023 at 16:26
Published on Care Opinion at 16:26

picture of Neil Gillan

Dear Our story,

Thank you for taking the time to share your valued feedback. We are always extremely grateful to those who share their experiences of the service they have received. It is reassuring to learn that on both occasions the crew displayed excellent communication skills, providing words of reassurance, issuing clear instructions and listening to the views and experiences of patients and family members.

As an organisation we are committed to consistently showing compassion, professionalism and respect for the patients we care for, and I would therefore like to share your feedback with the paramedics involved, to ensure that they are aware of difference they made on that shift.

In order to locate them I would require the following information

- Date and approximate time of one of the incidents

- One of the addresses the ambulance was dispatched to

If you are happy to share this information, please contact me at neil.gillan@nias.hscni.net. Thank you once again for your valued feedback and I hope your colleague and aunt are recovering well, please pass on my best wishes.

Trusting this is acceptable


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