"Excellent care received"

About: South West Acute Hospital / Emergency Care and Medicine Services

(as a parent/guardian),

My daughter had fallen at home, seen today in surge ED, Seen by Pat and John very quickly and investigations and treatments received promptly. Excellent service. 

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Response from AnnMarie Conlon, Falls Integrated Pathway Co-Ordinator, Primary Care Older People, WHSCT about a year and a half ago
AnnMarie Conlon
Falls Integrated Pathway Co-Ordinator, Primary Care Older People,
Submitted on 20/07/2023 at 11:09
Published on Care Opinion at 11:09

picture of AnnMarie Conlon

Dear Mayjd33,

My name is Ann Marie Conlon, I am the Falls Integrated Pathway Co-ordinator for the Western Health and Social Care Trust.

Thankyou for taking the time to share your experience of attending ED in South West Acute Hospital with your daughter following a fall. I am pleased that you had a positive experience at the time of attendance with timely investigation and treatment provided.

I hope that your daughter is making a good recovery at this time.

If you require further information, advice or support regarding falls prevention, please contact the Falls Integrated Pathway office on 02871610763 or e-mail FallsPrevention@westerntrust.hscni.net.

We are currently looking for interested members of the public to provide feedback on our Falls Prevention Resources. This can be someone who has had a fall, is at risk of a fall or someone who cares for a person who has had a fall and feels passionate about improving Falls Services and Resources in the Western Trust. If this is something you would be interested in and would like more information on what is involved, please contact Úna McNaughton at involve@westerntrust.hscni.net or call on 07775993582.

Kindest Regards,

Ann Marie Conlon

Falls Integrated Pathway Co-ordinator

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