"ECG and X-Ray with my daughter"

About: University Hospital Wishaw / Cardiology (Ward 4) University Hospital Wishaw / Radiology

(as a parent/guardian),

Took my teenage daughter for ECG and X-ray organised via our GP. She’s currently undergoing assessment for autism and ADHD and was extremely overwhelmed during the visit.

First we attended ECG Dept at UHW. First HCSW tried to help my daughter calm down as she was very anxious on being asked to change into a gown. I explained she was overwhelmed and could it be done without changing into a gown. The nurse seemed annoyed and left to get help.

Another ECG assistant arrived and was so calming and spoke really kindly to my daughter and got her relaxed and allowed her to keep her top on. They explained everything thoroughly and was taking their time with my daughter. They managed to get her ECG and was relieved when it was over.

Next stop was X-ray Dept. Got her booked in and we sat in waiting area, nerves obvious at this point again. Got seen really quickly and was taken to a cubicle by a HCSW  to get changed. I explained she gets anxious and overwhelmed in new situations. I helped her and left to sit in the waiting area but she was agitated and I wished I had stayed with her.

A few mins later the radiologist came out the cubicle and called me over. They asked me if my daughter was OK, she was crying at this point. I explained she gets overwhelmed easily, hasn’t had this done before and is just really anxious. The radiologist tutted and asked my daughter if she was ready. She nodded and I asked should I go back to wait area. The radiologist said no I could go through but didn’t seem very happy at this. Whole thing felt awkward, can only imagine how my daughter felt.

The radiologist positioned my daughter at the x-ray bit, took her arms and put them to each side, grabbed her waist and pulled her over a bit. My daughter didn’t know what was happening. I felt like if I interjected I would be adding to it so kept quiet. After a few mins of pulling her to one side then the other and moving her arms without asking at any point, my daughter was sobbing. The radiologist asked me to step behind the screen and room the X-ray.

Afterwards they said to her that’s her done she can go. I took her to the cubicle and explained she could get changed and leave the gown in there and I would be in the waiting area just outside. After a few mins she was still there and the radiologist approached me and asked if she was finished yet. I said no she’s still getting changed. They then asked me had she suffered any trauma that caused her to act like this. I was taken a back. I said no she gets overwhelmed easily, as I explained to the HCSW who brought us to the cubicle. They just tutted again and walked away back into the staff room beside the cubicles. They really need to work on their bedside manner, in my opinion.

I  can’t fault ECG practitioner, didn’t catch their name but they were great. They understood. Just waiting on results now but hope my daughter doesn’t need to attend again. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Sara Riddell, Deputy Radiology Service Manager, University Hospital Wishaw, NHS Lanarkshire 12 months ago
Sara Riddell
Deputy Radiology Service Manager, University Hospital Wishaw,
NHS Lanarkshire

Radiology Department Manager

Submitted on 21/07/2023 at 13:10
Published on Care Opinion at 13:10

Dear Buttercup7654

I'm so sorry that this has been a distressing and upsetting experience in radiology for your daughter and for you. Your experience certainly falls short of our NHS Lanarkshire values of patient centered care and indeed of the patient care I promote in Radiology.

In order for me to fully investigate this I would be grateful if you could contact patient affairs at Wishaw so that details of you attendance can be gathered. I can assure you that I take matters of this kind very seriously and would like to take the opportunity to address this with the staff involved.


With warm wishes


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