"A breast cancer journey"

About: Belfast City Hospital / Breast Surgery Belfast City Hospital / Radiology Belfast City Hospital / Radiotherapy

(as a relative),

In January my wife went for what she thought was just a routine mammogram at the local mobile unit. A few days later she was told to attend the breast cancer clinic for further investigation the following week. The diagnosis was a malignant tumour. So began a seven month journey of hospital visits, waiting, tests, consultations, culminating in a successful operation, a course of radiotherapy and an ongoing course of anti-cancer drugs.

Anyone who has been through cancer or accompanied someone on the journey will know the harrowing experience that it is. It is painted on a canvas of fear, courage, hope and pain. But while there are many dark clouds, there are also glimmers of light that break through the darkness and occasionally some magnificent shafts of light that burst through the gloom.
Our experience took place in the Belfast City Hospital. The consultant was Mr Irwin and his team of breast care nurses, notably Kerry and Kathryn. These people and the rest of the administrative staff are unsung heroes whose compassion, professionalism, kindness, empathy and general concern is second to none. Contrary to common opinion about the NHS, I have nothing but the highest regard for people of this calibre. 
The Belfast City Hospital Cancer Care unit, including the radiography team are quite simply the best. My wife and I are deeply grateful for their work and attitude.
Thankyou so much.
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Response from Brenda O'Kane, Breast Care Nurse Specialist, Breast Care Nursing Service, BHSCT Belfast City Hospital nearly 2 years ago
Brenda O'Kane
Breast Care Nurse Specialist, Breast Care Nursing Service,
BHSCT Belfast City Hospital
Submitted on 26/07/2023 at 18:35
Published on Care Opinion on 27/07/2023 at 08:48

Dear Simply T Best

Thank you so much for taking the time to give this lovely feedback, acknowledging the professionalism and care that your wife received from the Consultant Breast Surgeon, Breast Care Nurses, Radiography team and Administrative staff in the Belfast Trust Breast Service.

I am so pleased to hear that you found staff to be kind and compassionate during an understandably difficult time and I will ensure that your feedback is shared with the whole team as I know it will mean a lot to them.

Best wishes to your wife as she continues to recover from her treatment.

Yours sincerely,

Brenda O'Kane

Breast Care Nurse Specialist

BHSCT Breast Care Nursing Service

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Response from Shirley Gray, Section Manager, Radiotherapy, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust nearly 2 years ago
Shirley Gray
Section Manager, Radiotherapy,
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
Submitted on 26/07/2023 at 19:42
Published on Care Opinion on 27/07/2023 at 08:48

Dear Simply T Best

Thank you so much for taking the time to share the experience of both you and your wife, as she went through her treatment for breast cancer.

It is lovely to hear that you were both met with kindness and empathy at all stages throughout the difficult journey. I will share your comments with the team in the radiotherapy department as I know they will be encouraged by your kind words.

Best wishes to your wife as she continues to recover from her treatment

Kind regards


Section Manager,

Radiotherapy Department

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