"Team Oncology/Urology support"

About: Forth Valley Royal Hospital / Urology Golden Jubilee National Hospital / General Surgery New Victoria Hospital / Urology Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow / Urology (Ward 11c)

(as the patient),

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the staff members of the above group (I call them Team Oncology/Urology) for the devoted service that they have delivered to me. 

As a patient you can feel vulnerable, and must rely on the above support for consistent  before/after care on my Prostate cancer journey. 

And so, without much of a rehearsal, I suddenly entered  whole new world of waiting rooms, neon-lit corridors, prodding, poking, pills, and operating tables; months of visiting specialists who dealt with parts of the body I didn't know existed. 

Today, last years journey feels like a surreal dream (after my first PSA test, post treatment and surgery) showing below 0.1  Apart from scars on my abdomen and the nerve-related side affects, life seems pretty normal, thanks to whole team from diagnosis to recovery. 

Thank you to staff at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow, New Victoria Hospital Glasgow, Forth Valley Royal Hospital and Golden Jubilee Hospital. In particular, Ann, Maureen, Claire (the stenny burd), Holly (physiotherapist), Dr McIlhenny, Mr McKay and many more that I cant remember their names, but whom have helped me on this Prostate Cancer journey.

Finally, can you please make sure this this esteemed, respect and acknowledgment is cascaded to all individuals on my gig.

Thank you very much indeed.

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Response from Leanne Hamill, Urology Advanced Clinical Nurse Specialist, Urology, NHS Forth Valley about a year and a half ago
Leanne Hamill
Urology Advanced Clinical Nurse Specialist, Urology,
NHS Forth Valley
Submitted on 08/09/2023 at 17:15
Published on Care Opinion on 11/09/2023 at 08:09

Dear Gerard234,

Thank you for taking the time to share your story with us.

As a team we always strive to ensure we provide the best and most supportive care to each and every one of our patients. It is always nice when patients wish to praise the services we provide.

I will ensure your comments, appreciation and thanks are passed on to the rest of the team.

Kind regards,

Leanne Hamill

Advanced Clinical Nurse Specialist

Urology FVRH

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Response from Kevin Torbet, Admin Assistant, Patient Experience and Public Involvement, NHSGGC about a year and a half ago
Kevin Torbet
Admin Assistant, Patient Experience and Public Involvement,
Submitted on 11/09/2023 at 11:49
Published on Care Opinion at 11:49

picture of Kevin Torbet

Dear Gerard234

Thank you for taking the time to leave us your feedback on Care Opinion.

It was wonderful to hear of your admiration for the staff within the Urology Department of the New Victoria and Queen Elizabeth University Hospital's.

It sounds like you have had quite the journey. I can only begin to imagine how nervous you and your family must have been throughout this period so to hear the care and treatment you have received from our staff has been to a high standard is very heart warming.

I will be happy to pass on your thanks to the staff who I'm sure will be as touched as I was to read your kind comments.

Kind regards


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Response from Hollie Smith, Risk and Feedback Facilitator, Clinical Governance, NHS Golden Jubilee 16 months ago
Hollie Smith
Risk and Feedback Facilitator, Clinical Governance,
NHS Golden Jubilee
Submitted on 16/11/2023 at 12:46
Published on Care Opinion at 12:46

Dear Gerard,

Thank you for taking the time to post your feedback. I would like to sincerely apologise for the delay in our response.

Our staff are committed to providing excellent care and I am sure they will be delighted to hear your positive feedback, which I will ensure is shared with the staff involved.

I hope you are doing well.

Kind regards


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Response from Ruth McLaughlin, Lead Nurse, General Surgery /ENT/Urology (Queen Elizabeth University Hospital), NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 16 months ago
Ruth McLaughlin
Lead Nurse, General Surgery /ENT/Urology (Queen Elizabeth University Hospital),
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Submitted on 16/11/2023 at 13:44
Published on Care Opinion at 14:15

Dear Gerard234,

Thank you for taking the time to post your appreciation about the staff and Urology service during your Prostate Cancer journey. I hope that you are well and continue to receive supportive care from our teams. I will let the teams know of your kind words and am sure they will be delighted that they have helped you in some way to recover.

Kind Regards

Ruth McLaughlin

Lead Nurse

ENT ( City Wide) Urology ( South) & Outpatients

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