"Daughters hearing issues"

About: Lanarkshire Community Services / GP Out of Hours service

(as a parent/guardian),

Recently, I attended out of hours at Douglas Street in Hamilton. The reason for attending was a concern for my daughter (3 months olds) hearing. Throughout the course of today she has been off her milk, not as responsive as normal and just generally unsettled.

Initially I was seen by two nurses who did checks on my daughter - they couldn’t have been any nicer or more helpful. I then was seen by a Doctor at Douglas street. This appointment was absolutely horrendous and I am disgusted at the care myself and my daughter received. 

Upon entering the appointment room, the Doctor introduced themselves, I told them my concerns regarding my daughter and that I thought her hearing issue may have been an impact of attending a surprise party the night before. 

Instead of providing me with help or guidance I felt I was given a lecture about how taking her to the party was not a good idea and that I shouldn’t do that again. The Doctor asked when my daughter was due to be fed. I advised that she was not for another hour and a half, they asked if I had brought milk with me and then proceeded to make me feel uncomfortable for not doing so, despite not been asked to and my daughter not actually being due a feed. Completely inappropriately, the Doctor, then stated they thought the reason my daughter was crying was that she was starving despite me highlighting she wasn’t due fed. (Not that I have to justify myself but my daughter is a generally healthy baby who is gaining weight, who until today has taken her feeds very well).

Personally I think my daughter was crying in the appointment as the Doctor took her from me and as good as threw her over their shoulder to feel her - unsure what relation this had to her hearing as by this point we had already established that the paediatric checks were fine.

It’s worth noting that no doctor has ever taken my daughter from me. If any checks have been required they have always been with her on me or with me by her side.

The Doctor advised that they couldn’t do anything at all for her hearing, and that she wasn’t sure why we had been referred.

As a new mum, I am incredibly disappointed with the appointment, I attended for help, support and reassurance and instead I got a lecture and made to feel uncomfortable.

To conclude this appointment, we agreed I’d head back to the waiting room to see another doctor, to which we did.

We then seen another doctor, who was lovely. I didn’t catch their name. They gave me my place to express my concerns, told me I done the right thing to seek support if I felt it was needed. They reiterated that I would be the one to know my baby best. This doctor did checks of my daughter, including looking into her ears (providing me with the reassurance I required), they also did checks of her front and back (with my daughter still placed on me) at no point did they patronise me, or take my daughter from me. The care in this appointment was night and day to the previous.

The first Doctor I saw did not make me feel welcome or supported. Instead they impacted my stress and left me feeling very uncomfortable and  provided incorrect information. 

This Doctor does not know myself or my daughter therefore I do not think it’s appropriate that they comment on whether I should take my daughter to a party or not, or whether she is crying due to hunger (when it’s evident she’s not).

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Pamela Buddy, Service Manager, Out of Hours Service, NHS Lanarkshire 10 months ago
Pamela Buddy
Service Manager, Out of Hours Service,
NHS Lanarkshire
Submitted on 01/12/2023 at 12:19
Published on Care Opinion at 12:19

picture of Pamela Buddy

Thank you for taking the time to post about your experience at the Primary care Out of Hours service.

I am sorry that when you brought your daughter up for review the first doctor that you seen did not address your concerns and made you feel uncomfortable. I am glad to hear that the second doctor you seen did address your concerns and reviewed your daughter whilst you were able to comfort her.

I hope your daughter is now improving and is back to good health.

If you wish this complaint to be raised formally you can contact Patient Affairs on patientaffairs.primarycare@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk or call 01698 752800 option 2 and this will be investigated.

Take care.

Regards, Pamela.

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