"Long waits, misplaced folder and blood on the floor"

About: Causeway Hospital / Accident & Emergency

(as a relative),

Took mum to A+E Causeway at the end of Oct due to her having a fall. Had a sore lower back and pins and needles down left arm.

Mum has heart failure and other med. issues. After seeing nurse in Triage, was told mum would be getting a ECG after nurse finished taking bloods - we sat 2 hrs which when I went to ask nurse why mum still no ECG  to be told her folder in wrong place. Then had to wait another 1 hr, as mum was very sore sitting waiting I went again to ask for pain relief for mum, to have to wait another 40 min for that.

When we went into get pain killer for another nurse which I first spoke to about the wait (folder in wrong place) Mum said she had to use toilet but nurse insisted she had to get in to the cubicle for ECG and wouldn't let her go to toilet. When they left the room to go and get things I noticed blood on the floor from earlier patient. Which had not been cleaned, also tops of needles at side of bin not in it.

Mum had to go out and wait again. We asked if mum could get x-ray when in there told not up to me by (nurse). People in waiting room were getting fed up waiting. When finally called by doctor told to go over to green zone where mum should have been sent first instead of waiting room again. After Doc called my mum was seen - x-rayed - by Doc within half a hour - long wait seemed to be due to nurses in A+E.

My mum has now refused to go - nurses see to one patient at a time would help - back due to thin and is still in pain.

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Response from Victoria McCrory, Assistant Clinical Services Manager, Medicine and Emergency Medicine, NHSCT 9 months ago
We have made a change
Victoria McCrory
Assistant Clinical Services Manager, Medicine and Emergency Medicine,
Submitted on 08/12/2023 at 10:24
Published on Care Opinion at 10:24

Hello craterhm75

My name is Victoria McCrory and I am the Assistant Clinical Services Manager for Causeway ED.

I am very sorry to hear your mum has been unwell recently, and I would also wish to apologise for the experience which both of you had within the ED Dept.

As a team we aim to triage and review patients in a timely manner, however at times of increased acuity/ dept pressures these waiting times can increase. I assure you as a team we are always trying to improve our waiting times and reduce any delays within our service.

Placement of notes within the ED has been an issue which was raised at our senior management meetings, and in November we sourced a further 2 notes trolleys to help ensure that patients notes remain in their designated areas and patient confidentiality is maintained.

I apologise that the staff member prioritised your mums ECG at that time, over her toileting needs. I also apologise for the blood spillage on the floor, I would assume this had not been noted by staff at the time as the cleaning of blood spillages in a timely manner is key to high standards of infection prevention and control (IPC). Needle tops (lids) specifically are not an IPC concern, unless a sharp was exposed or contained within same. Nevertheless this does give a poor reflection of the standards we aim to uphold within our dept, and I apologise.

As stated by the nurse, nurses do not have the authority to arrange x rays; an x-ray can only be requested by a qualified practitioner following an assessment of the patient. I can assure you that we work together as a team in ED and delays can be multi factorial. They are rarely caused by one profession only.

Please pass on my sincere apologies to your mum for the experience she had within the ED dept. The issues raised do not align with the trust core values and are not reflective of the standards of care which we aim to achieve.

Unfortunately as care opinion remains anonymous I am unable to look any further into your mums care specifically. However if you would like for me to explore this further please contact me on the details below.

Your Sincerely

Victoria McCrory


Email; victoria.mccrory@northerntrust.hscni.net

Tel; 028 7032 7032 (375366)

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