"It’s more than saved me my money-it has saved my life"

About: City Health Care Partnership CIC / Stop Smoking Service

(as a service user),

Well, I am nearly 72 and I started smoking at 15 and I used smoke Park Drive cigarettes and I smoked them for years. When they got more expensive I went onto tipped cigarettes and I used to remove the tips from the cigarettes. After that, they were getting more expensive so I started smoking roll-ups and no tips. I have health problems. I had TB as a younger person amongst other health issues. I was smoking 30 a day. I was supposed to have an operation but I lost so much weight. I needed an operation which they couldn’t do because of my breathing and general health.

I went to a mobile lung scan in Hull to get a lung check-that was good. They explained to my dr that inhalers weren’t good for me-I needed to stop smoking. I needed another scan. Between the two scans I got in touch with Lorraine at the stop smoking clinic in north point shopping centre and I went to see her and she explained everything to me. I had my carbon monoxide levels tested. She gave me patches and an inhalator and then we eventually dropped the patches. She would ring me every week at the same time, she told me to get rid of my tobacco products but I didn’t want to at first. But I knew not to get rid of them. I was replacing the role- up inhalator at the beginning.

When I went to see her in January, I blew into the carbon monoxide tester and it came at 1-and that was the environment which means I am now classed as non-smoker. Also at my drs they said my lungs are at 90% and what I have is emphysema which is caused through smoking.

I would love to say a massive thank you to the service. I wouldn’t have done it without Lorraine. I would like to thank you all. It’s more than saved me my money-it has saved my life.

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