"Best care in the world"

About: The Ulster Hospital / Laser Suite

(as a service user),

I have PCOS and have struggled from puberty with it, gynae in the Belfast trust referred me for laser hair removal in the laser suites in the ulster hospital after all other attempts failed to keep the hair at bay.

Now keep in mind I struggled from puberty with this and puberty and teen years are hard enough without hirsutism. I was skeptical about laser as I had heard good things but wasn’t sure what the Ulster would be like as I’ve only ever received care in the Belfast trust. 

Well what can I say about the nurses and nursing assistants in the laser suites other than they are everything a healthcare professional should be. They were kind, caring, empathetic and supportive. From the first consultation right through to my last. During treatments I was given a stress ball for one hand and a nursing assistant held my other hand, having mental googles on your eyes and getting laser on your face is obviously sore so having the support meant so much to me, anytime it got too much it was no trouble for the girls to pause for a minute for a wee breather for me. 

I am a nursing assistant in the Belfast trust and also a nursing student, if I were to turn out as half the healthcare professional these are then I’d be happy. These professionals have an appointment with you for 30 minutes every few weeks but every single time show the same kindness and support that is needed. They are a credit to their profession and to the Ulster hospital.

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Response from Conor Campbell, Senior Manager, Assurance and Improvement, South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust 5 months ago
Conor Campbell
Senior Manager, Assurance and Improvement,
South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust

Assurance and improvement

Submitted on 30/01/2024 at 15:00
Published on Care Opinion at 15:00

picture of Conor Campbell

Dear blackbird98

My name is Conor Campbell. My position is Senior Manager, Assurance and Improvement with a leading role in improving the service user experience - which includes responding to any person who tells their story through Care Opinion in order to help the organisation learn and improve.

Thank you for sharing the story of your experience whilst in receipt of care at Laser Suite.

It is great to learn that you have been looked after so well by our excellent team at Ulster Hospital Laser Suite.

In addition to high-quality clinical care, it is so important that care provision is warm, compassionate and personal.

I have shared your positive feedback to the team who greatly appreciate your kind words and to know that their contribution was so meaningful to you. Your feedback has been added to the team’s noticeboard in order that all can see your motivating words and know that their work is appreciated.

I wish only the best for you going forward.

Best wishes


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