"Good to see a familiar face but better drop off access needed"

About: Community Midwifery / Craigavon & Banbridge Continuity of Midwifery Carer Service / Emerald Team

(as a service user),

I feel very grateful to have been part of the new continuity of midwifery carer model throughout my pregnancy. It was reassuring to see and be supported by the same midwives from my 12 week scan right through to postnatal care. 

Sarah Q, Vicky, Rachel and Suzanne were all very good to me and it was nice to have familiar, friendly faces during the sometimes daunting and overwhelming stages of pregnancy and labour.

I am also very appreciative of the care provided by all of the medics during my emergency c section as well as the midwives and support staff working on the ward after.

After a slow start initially, my labour progressed quickly in the end and my partner had to leave his car at 3am in the morning at the barriers to help me walk in a lot of pain to the maternity doors. If I can suggest a drop off point at the doors would help with better access as at the moment, the walk is quite far for a woman who is in agony and in labour.

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Response from Maria Garvey, Lead Midwife COMC / Antenatal clinic CAH, Integrated Maternity and Women's Health, Southern Health and Social Care Trust 12 months ago
We have made a change
Maria Garvey
Lead Midwife COMC / Antenatal clinic CAH, Integrated Maternity and Women's Health,
Southern Health and Social Care Trust

Lead Midwife for Continuity of Midwifery Carer (CoMC)/ Antenatal Outpatients Dept (ANOPD/Day Obstetric Unit (DOU)

Submitted on 31/01/2024 at 16:41
Published on Care Opinion on 01/02/2024 at 08:43

picture of Maria Garvey

Good afternoon

Thank you for you lovely words.

As Lead for Continuity of Midwifery Carer (CoMC) I am delighted with such positive feedback.

I will ensure your story is shared with Sarah, Vicky, Rachel and Suzanne and the staff in Delivery suite and postnatal ward

Thank you for raising the issue regarding Maternity doors not being accessible at night. There was a decision taken, in the interest of patient and staff safety that there should only be one access in and out of the hospital. If a wheelchair is required these are available at the ED doors.

As a change in practice this will be highlighted to all staff and will go out on the Trust webpage.

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Maria Garvey, Lead Midwife COMC / Antenatal clinic CAH, Integrated Maternity and Women's Health, Southern Health and Social Care Trust 6 months ago
We have made a change
Maria Garvey
Lead Midwife COMC / Antenatal clinic CAH, Integrated Maternity and Women's Health,
Southern Health and Social Care Trust

Lead Midwife for Continuity of Midwifery Carer (CoMC)/ Antenatal Outpatients Dept (ANOPD/Day Obstetric Unit (DOU)

Submitted on 01/08/2024 at 12:42
Published on Care Opinion at 14:18

picture of Maria Garvey

Dear Jan07,

I mentioned in my last response we had made a change and updated patients via our trust website about access to the Maternity Block at Craigavon Area Hospital. To ensure patient and staff safety the access to this bock is closed from 8pm to 8am every evening and all patients need to access via the main entrance during these hours.

Please find the map we shared via out trust website and I hope you find this useful.

Image title

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