"So helpful"

About: Park Surgery

Ok, I get that the phone line might be a bit of wait but once through this practice could not have been more helpful towards me when I’ve needed to call up for and on behalf of my 99 year old father these past few months. The call takers always go that extra mile to try and sort out whatever issue he’s having and if I need to speak to a Doctor on his behalf I am always offered a call back that same day. I don’t live locally and the fact that Park Surgery staff are so helpful they make it a pleasure to call up because I know it will be efficient and hassle free. Thankyou,

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Response from Park Surgery 11 months ago
Park Surgery
Submitted on 12/02/2024 at 17:00
Published on nhs.uk at 17:00


Thankyou for your positive review regarding Park Surgery. We are extremely pleased to hear you have received such a pleasant experience when liaising with the surgery.


Dana Irvine

Reception and Operations Manager

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
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