"She always made me feel reassured"

About: Public Health Nursing / Family Nurse Partnership

(as a service user),

I was assigned Barbara Crawford as my family nurse. My little girl was born in February 2022, so Barbara worked with us closely throughout my pregnancy and up until my daughter turned 2 in February 2024.

From the very start Barbara was absolutely amazing! She was always there anytime I had a question or needed advice or when had any worries being a first time mum. I cannot fault Barbara at all for everything she did for my partner, daughter and I! She always supported my choices in everything I did making me feel empowered!

Anytime she was off she always made me feel reassured that there was someone there to stand in until she returned. You could always tell that she genuinely cared for my daughter’s development and always complimented and reassured me of how good of a job was doing. Which is exactly what every mum needs to hear!

We recently attended the Christmas event up in Ballymena and it was lovely to see everyone and I we received a lovely little gift and food etc. My daughter had an amazing time seeing all of the younger babies.

We are now pregnant with baby no.2 and although we will no longer fit the criteria for the FNP programme, Barbara has been amazing in helping getting us essentials for baby no.2 from baby basics.

Any young mums considering the FNP should 100% go for it, the best decision I made for our family.

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Response from Geraldine Doherty, Lead Nurse, Public Health Nursing, Paeds, Womens Services & Corporate Support, NHSCT 10 months ago
Geraldine Doherty
Lead Nurse, Public Health Nursing, Paeds, Womens Services & Corporate Support,
Submitted on 01/03/2024 at 14:56
Published on Care Opinion at 14:56

Dear Mamma 101

My name is Geraldine Doherty and I work as a Lead Nurse within Public Health Nursing.

Thank you for taking the time to share this lovely compliment about Barbara and the Family Nurse Partnership team. I will ensure your feedback is shared with Barbara & her colleagues. It is lovely to hear that Barbara provided reassurance for you and your partner, as your baby moved through her stages of development. I know it will mean so much to Barbara that you felt empowered as a first time mum with her support - this is such an amazing and well deserved compliment for Barbara, thank you.

Congratulations on your second pregnancy and I wish you and your family well at this exciting time in your life.

many thanks


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