"Accessing mental health support"

About: Fife Adult Mental Health Psychology Fife Community Services / Addiction Services NHS Fife Fife Community Services / Community Mental Health

(as a carer),

This has been going on for many years. 

My husband has been asking for help since he was in his late teens and he is now in his mid 30's. He has severe mental health issues, and has been diagnosed with all different mental illnesses, with his recent one as Complex PTSD. He has been passed from pillar to post and back in 2022 confirmed by a Senior Nurse that best practices were not used with his care! Two years later we're still not getting any help whatsoever and we are so lost, frustrated, confused after a recent meeting where he begged and begged for help. None is being given even though he has been with this service for two years & been placed on provisional detox dates!

He drinks because he is not receiving any help at all and needs help! Most recent doctor confirmed he self medicates with drink. Most of his meds have been stopped however this hasn’t stopped his paranoia, his anxiety, his depression, his anger and the voice that he has 24/7. 

We've experienced losing a friend because they did not receive enough help for their problems. The system hasn't worked for us and there is a young man begging for help to save his life.

I don’t know what else to do anymore, I’m completely heartbroken that the man I love is suffering in pain, he feels like he is dying daily, he says it’s life! But it’s his life and he doesn’t deserve this treatment and this failure - no one does.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Angela Swift, Clinical Nurse Manager, Addiction Services, NHS Fife 6 months ago
Angela Swift
Clinical Nurse Manager, Addiction Services,
NHS Fife
Submitted on 07/03/2024 at 13:31
Published on Care Opinion at 16:42

I am sorry to read of your experience and how upsetting this must be for you. I am reaching out to you to invite you to discuss your concerns and how I may help you. Please contact Addiction Services on 01592 716446 and I will arrange to meet with you.

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Gillian Malcolm, Lead Nurse, Lead Nurse Adult Pathway Mental Health, NHS Fife 6 months ago
Gillian Malcolm
Lead Nurse, Lead Nurse Adult Pathway Mental Health,
NHS Fife
Submitted on 08/03/2024 at 10:03
Published on Care Opinion at 10:06

I am so sorry to hear this and would like to look into this further for you. In order for me to do this can I ask that contact is made by phone by the person affected to Deb Rodgers on 01592 643355 Ext. 23964 providing name and date of birth and we can arrange a time to discuss concerns.

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
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