"Mother’s Day stranocum community centre morning"

About: Public Health Nursing / Health Visiting Service

(as a service user),

The time and effort put into each of these events is so personal and welcoming. Lovely to see all the mummies and have a catch up and enjoyed the arts and crafts. Thank you for organising Kelly. 

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Response from Geraldine Doherty, Lead Nurse, Public Health Nursing, Paeds, Womens Services & Corporate Support, NHSCT 10 months ago
Geraldine Doherty
Lead Nurse, Public Health Nursing, Paeds, Womens Services & Corporate Support,
Submitted on 13/03/2024 at 14:07
Published on Care Opinion at 14:07

Dear Rachel39

My name is Geraldine Doherty and I work as a Lead Nurse in Public Health Nursing.

Thank you for taking the time to share this lovely feedback about Kelly and her support for you and all the mums at this Mother's Day Morning. It is great to hear that everyone is made to feel so welcomed by Kelly and that you are enjoying the group. I will ensure your feedback is shared with Kelly, her colleagues and manager - such positive compliments are always greatly appreciated.

thank you again and best wishes


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