"Excellent service "

About: Fairfield General Hospital

Arrived today for a Chest X-ray and I was greeted at the main reception by a very friendly customer service desk. They were very friendly and helpful. Even though the waiting are was busy in the X-ray department, I was seen to within the hour. The hospital staff were very friendly and went about their duties with a genuine smile. Everyone I interacted with were professional and courteous at all times. This made my visit very calming. Please pass on my thanks and regards.

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Response from Fairfield General Hospital 10 months ago
Fairfield General Hospital
Submitted on 26/03/2024 at 18:23
Published on nhs.uk at 18:23

Dear Stephen.

Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your recent experience at Fairfield General.

It is great to hear that your Xray went well and that our team were friendly, helpful and efficient.

We will pass on your kind words to those involved so they know what a difference they have made to your care.

Kind Regards

The Patient Experience Team

The Northern Care Alliance

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