"Great Experience "

About: Fairfield General Hospital

Arrived at 10:20pm - left 9:30am Although a long wait the service I got was very good considering what was happening. Lots of emergencies arriving - doctors strike etc, Patients arriving with breathing problems going outside to smoke & vape. A person vaping inside. A lovely kind caring person helping an old man suddenly flipping & threatening the staff & security very frightening for people unable to move. A very caring receptionist who actually brought a selection of biscuits because we were hungry & it was early morning. Nurse in the exray department considering she’d been on nights was so cheerful & gentle The doctor I saw was lovely & I actually was made to feel I was his only patient he’d seen instead he also had been there all night & actually dealing with most of us. Everyone that night was kind , cheerful & extremely professional under the circumstances.

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Response from Fairfield General Hospital 10 months ago
Fairfield General Hospital
Submitted on 26/03/2024 at 18:20
Published on nhs.uk at 18:20

Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your recent experience of our Emergency Department at Fairfield General.

Whilst we would like to apologies for your extended wait, we are glad to hear that our team were effective and managed to department well.

We are happy to hear that our Doctors and nursing staff treated you as an individual and were kind, cheerful and professional.

We will pass on your kind words to those involved so they know what a difference they have made to your care.

Kind Regards

The Patient Experience Team

The Northern Care Alliance

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