"Caring staff"

About: Fairfield General Hospital

Went for a procedure in gynaecology outpatients, went an hour early because of parking, took me 50 minutes to find a space! Reception staff were very polite. Got in early for my procedure, Dr and all the nursing staff were really friendly which put me at ease. I was advised that I would feel some discomfort, never expected the amount of pain I was then in but the Dr was very caring and kept asking me if I was ok or did I want to stop which I didn’t really want to do so we all persevered till it was over. I was rather faint afterwards but the nurses and Dr all looked after me till I felt ready to be discharged.

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Response from Fairfield General Hospital 8 months ago
Fairfield General Hospital
Submitted on 16/05/2024 at 21:59
Published on nhs.uk at 21:59

Dear Kathryn

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience of your gynaecology procedure and awarding the team 5-star rating!

Firstly, we are sorry to hear about the challenges parking, this is an ongoing challenge for the Trust and there is an improvement plan in place to try and alleviate pressures.

We were pleased to note that you felt staff were polite, friendly, caring and attentive, checking that you were well enough for discharge.

We will share your feedback with the staff involved so they are aware of your kind comments.

Kind regards

The Patient Experience Team

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