"Appointment system is a complete shambles with no appointments for a third day !!!"

About: NHS Highland (Health)

(as the patient),

Yet again made another phone call for a third day from 8am at my practice and when answered yet again no appointments for any GP, I am so frustrated and angry this morning that there is yet again no appointments for any GP including my own. I am now having to take another trip to A & E which they will no doubt say its up to my GP another day of waste of time for me that I am having to take another day off! ! !

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Response from Maimie Thompson, Head of Public Relations and Engagement, Chief Executive's Office, NHS Highland 11 years ago
Maimie Thompson
Head of Public Relations and Engagement, Chief Executive's Office,
NHS Highland
Submitted on 06/11/2013 at 17:44
Published on Care Opinion at 20:13

picture of Maimie Thompson

Dear Waterloo

Sorry we were not able to respond to your posting yesterday and even more sorry about your ongoing problems you are experiencing in trying to get an appointment. I am not surprised you are so frustrated and now angry. Its disrespectful of your time and I really do apologise. I dont know the details around this Practice but I will speak to colleagues locally and see what actions need to happen to improve things.

You are right in commenting that this can be a source of frusration for colleagues in A&E departments but is hardly the patients problem when they have exhausted reasonable efforts trying to access their GP. I share your frustration and will keep you posted.

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Response from Maimie Thompson, Head of Public Relations and Engagement, Chief Executive's Office, NHS Highland 11 years ago
Maimie Thompson
Head of Public Relations and Engagement, Chief Executive's Office,
NHS Highland
Submitted on 12/11/2013 at 12:26
Published on Care Opinion at 12:33

picture of Maimie Thompson

Dear Waterloo

I was just about to update you when your latest posting about NHS24 came Shona. I am very concerned about your on going problems and frustrations around accessing services. I wonder would it help if we identified a local member of staff to meet or speak with you to help you access the care and services you are needing.

NHS Highland also subscribes to Patient Advice and Support Services which is run through local Citizens Advice Bureaux and it may be that now or in the future they might be able to offer practical support.

Margaret Hall the GP Practice Manager would also be very happy to speak or meet with you to discuss their appointments system.

Please just let me know how I might work with colleagues to provide you with a better service.

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