"Staff were fantastic in trying to help me cope"

About: Pilgrim Hospital / Cardiology

(as a service user),

After a phone call from the hospital asking me to attend the Same Day Emergency Unit I was admitted to the Acute Cardiac Unit (ACU). I knew I had an issue with my heart and was able to deal with that but my mental health is a different story. I don't like being around people, noise, lights, smells for long periods of time as I become easily over stimulated and overwhelmed which never ends well for me. I get extremely emotional and my thinking spirals as I don't have the 'space' to process all that's happening (for this to happen I need to be away from everything). 

I got to the ward and met some of the lovely nurses who looked after me and tried to reassure me that I will be okay and looked after. I got myself comfortable on my bed and tried to get used to my new surroundings. I didn't know what to expect.

The following day I tried to discharge myself as being alert for so long was exhausting me and I was getting over tired. One of the night nurses took me out for a walk around the hospital ground just so I could get away from the ward for a little while which was so kind of her. We chatted about where my head was at and I felt she was listening and could understand.

The mental health team were also fantastic as they came to see me and offered all the help they could. They even gave me squeeze balls to help with my anxiety.

I had to wait til after bank holiday for an echocardiogram which was probably the longest wait ever. I can't sit still for long because I end up spending way too much time in my own head and that really isn't a good place to be. I'm physically active and found the sitting around difficult. The night and day staff were fantastic in trying to help me cope with this wait. 

There were nurses who'd come and sit to chat with me and help pass some time and settle my mind and for this I'm eternally grateful. Being locked in my own mind, overthinking everything and catastrophising is never good. I had to keep the curtain closed round my bed to prevent seeing so much each day. In a way this was the best thing for me because it stopped the visuals becoming overwhelming and making me worse. I struggled so much, emotionally, while in the hospital and I need to thank all the nurses for doing all they could to keep me there and not allow me to walk out. At the end of the day I had a heart issue and needed to get that sorted and had I left when I wanted to it could've been fatal for me. 

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Response from Patient Experience Administrator, United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust 3 months ago
Submitted on 10/06/2024 at 08:37
Published on Care Opinion at 08:37

Dear Kelz74

Thank you very much for taking the time to submit this review following your inpatient stay on ACU. We do pride ourselves in providing person centred, individualised care within the trust. I am delighted hear that this was achieved during your stay to ensure you received all of your tests and treatments allowing you to be safely discharged by the cardiology team. Your kind words will be passed onto the rest of the team, thank you once again.

Ward Sister

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