"Thank you for improvements made and ongoing"

About: Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust / Community nursing

(as a carer),

Relations with DCHS and their DN team have improved enormously.

I feel mum is being listened to and receiving good care. I do appreciate a willingness to compromise that wasn’t there before. Nurses are kind and talk to mum more. She is still sometimes confused who everyone is and I tell her I’ll let her know when I’ve worked out who they are too. Sorry Carole,Helen, Jo, Pam, Julie and Tracy and others we’ve seen doing great work.

Things have been tough for mum and me and we are still working through  a massive to do list left by our previous troublesome doctor but that’s life. Thank you. Hopefully bigger things are going on that will improve patient safety even more for people in and around Belper and district.

Yesterday’s care for mum’s long standing leg ulcer included iodoflex in a tube, epimax cream all over, care and attention to slough and more new skin growth apparent. Half hour before visits we receive a phone call for mum to take her pain medication (morphine sulphate) and this means she is generally pain free for the dressing change and much more relaxed. In short, a great team working well with mum’s needs central to their care approach.

This is very much appreciated and mum is much more chatty and smiley too. We have a few laughs and I’m learning more and more about her. Thankfully, we got her tablets down to 12 a day from nearly double that and it’s been amazing.

Don’t write off anyone at 92 years young. They don’t need overmedicating or being left out of conversations and decisions about them. Life is and can be better for all of us with a little more thought from those far too quick to judge. Some more than a nudge is needed for them to do the right thing, but when they do it’s fantastic. Thank you.

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Update posted by Rober555 (a carer)

Relations continue to improve. DCHS DNs are terrific. Carol has been amazing and clearly understands mum’s situation. We need more open communications and collaboration and it was fantastic at NHS Confed/expo hearing how patients are more and more valued with 80% social determinants of health the future.

Thank you for DNs making it possible for me a 24/7 carer to experience a little of the biggest and best NHS conference of the year. Hope others enjoy it too.

I can’t understand why we cling to old buildings in the NHS when modulars can be installed, moved around easily and make an incredible difference.

Thank you nurses everywhere. I hope Derbyshire hospitals sign up to Martha’s Rule ASAP and wonder why they haven’t?

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