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"my mother's care"

About: Lagan Valley Hospital / MAU Northern Ireland Ambulance Service / Patient care services

(as a relative),

My mother, who is in her early nineties, was transferred to Lagan Valley Hospital from the Royal Hospital after having a fall at home,  The treatment she has received and is still receiving (getting discharged in 2 days) in MAU has been excellent from paramedics, nurses, doctors, pharmacists, physio and cleaners.  Food also is very good. During her stay we were kept up to date at all times. 

Thank you

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Response from Conor Campbell, Senior Manager, Assurance and Improvement, South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust 3 weeks ago
Conor Campbell
Senior Manager, Assurance and Improvement,
South Eastern Health & Social Care Trust

Assurance and improvement

Submitted on 11/06/2024 at 09:38
Published on Care Opinion at 09:38

picture of Conor Campbell

Dear Local residnt

My name is Conor Campbell. My position is Senior Manager, Assurance and Improvement with a leading role in improving the service user experience - which includes responding to any person who tells their story through Care Opinion in order to help the organisation learn and improve.

Thank you for sharing the story of your mother’s experience in the care of the team at Lagan Valley Hospital Medical Assessment Unit.

It is great to learn that your quality of care and experience has been of the standard that we aspire to.

It is so important to be looked after with expertise and compassion and our team at Lagan Valley Hospital Medical Assessment Unit are an excellent example of putting this into practice.

I have shared your positive feedback to team partners who greatly appreciate your kind words and are glad to know that their contributions have been so positive and helpful to you and your mother.

I wish only the best for your mother going forward.

Best wishes


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Kerry Henderson, Ward Manager, Medical Assessment Unit, Lagan Valley Hospital, South Eastern HSC Trust 3 weeks ago
Kerry Henderson
Ward Manager, Medical Assessment Unit, Lagan Valley Hospital,
South Eastern HSC Trust
Submitted on 11/06/2024 at 13:38
Published on Care Opinion at 14:24

Hi Conor,

it is great to receive such positive feedback I will share this with my team.

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Neil Gillan, Co-Production & Partnership Lead, Quality, Safety & Improvement, Northern Ireland Ambulance Service 3 weeks ago
Neil Gillan
Co-Production & Partnership Lead, Quality, Safety & Improvement,
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service
Submitted on 12/06/2024 at 12:15
Published on Care Opinion at 12:15

picture of Neil Gillan

Good morning Local residnt,

I would like to begin by thanking you for taking the time to share your experiences of the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. It was reassuring to learn of the excellent treatment provided by all of the staff including the paramedics. Feedback such as this lifts morale in what is a challenging period. I wish you mother a speedy recovery.

Best wishes


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
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