"Above and beyond excellent care by student doctor"

About: Northern General Hospital

I'm not sure of how else to get a direct message but I was brought in by ambulance last Thursday after having symptoms similar to stroke/heart attack and was seen by a student doctor in A&E, I only saw her first name as I was fairly out of it and I think it was Sarah who said she was a student doctor.

I have been having issues for the past few years after an acute illness with symptoms that seem to be neurological causing all sorts of issues I still haven't quite got to the bottom of.

Dr Sarah went above and beyond in treating me taking time to listen to every -and the list is long and strange - symptom I have been experiencing since my illness started, she thoroughly examined me with care and understanding and we had a thorough discussion about where I can go from here. Even though I could barely walk I left feeling more positive about treatment and getting back to full health than I have in years.

Please pass on a message if you can find the doctor and tell her I'm so thankful, she has the most stressful job there is and she's so kind and compassionate. Tell her never never to get to the point where she hates her job, I did as I didn't see it coming and it contributed immensely to my illness.

She's a vital asset to health care and we need doctors like Sarah.

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