"Outpatient clinic"

About: Gartnavel Royal Hospital

(as a parent/guardian),

Clinic running late- over an hour and a half past appointment time. Actually completely understand that, however no member of staff made contact, offered explanation or even made eye contact as they closed the clinic around us and went home.

The staff left running the clinic was very dismissive of our wait - telling us we were lucky- it's usually much longer! !

As I say- the wait was not an issue however not communicating with patients is unacceptable and rude and taints all the excellent work that takes place in the hospital.

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Response from Paul Cannon, Head of Administration, Acute Services Division, Greater Glasgow & Clyde NHS 11 years ago
Paul Cannon
Head of Administration, Acute Services Division,
Greater Glasgow & Clyde NHS
Submitted on 27/12/2013 at 14:36
Published on Care Opinion at 16:14

Dear Birk22

Thank you for taking the time and trouble to provide your feedback. We would be grateful if you could let us have the Specialty (clinic name) you attended in order for us to pass these comments on to those concerned.

Once again thank you for using the Patient Opinion feedback system, it is greatly appreciated.

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Update posted by Birk22 (a parent/guardian)

Thank you for responding. The clinic was the Respiratory Clinic and we have been delighted with the care given from almost all aspects. The only fly in the ointment was this communication issue- a simple explanation would have saved us a lot of agitation- I don't often complain but this is such an easy fix and means everything to patients.

Response from Maimie Thompson, Head of Public Relations and Engagement, Chief Executive's Office, NHS Highland 11 years ago
Maimie Thompson
Head of Public Relations and Engagement, Chief Executive's Office,
NHS Highland
Submitted on 27/12/2013 at 18:34
Published on Care Opinion at 18:35

picture of Maimie Thompson

I saw your posting and generous response. Sorry you have had to wait over an hour and half for your appointment and know that Paul will look into it. I don’t think it matters whether you are waiting for a train, a meal or an appointment most of us just want to know what is happening? Waiting in a vacuum makes the wait feel longer and leaves us with a sense of “I wonder if I have been forgotten”. Most people are actually remarkably generous in their understanding, just as you have been “Clinic running late- over an hour and a half past appointment time. Actually completely understand that.” But I agree getting our communications right with patients is really important.

The challenge for service providers is make sure that things run to time BUT when they don’t to explain what the problem is and the likely delay. I am certain there are lessons in your experience for most of us both as service providers and customers. It is hard to speak out and “complain” but actually that is what we want people to do. Thank you

Best wishes


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