"Very grateful for all the amazing support"

About: Highland Community Services / Community Mental Health Highland Community Services / Occupational Therapy

(as a service user),

I have had need of help with anxiety after a fall. I was referred to Argyll and Bute Mental Health Services and had a wonderful experience with Fiona. It became evident that as time went on I was needing something slightly different. After much thinking and exploring other avenues Fiona was able to refer me on. I  am now in the hands of two fabulous Occupational Therapists in Mental Health who are seeing me at my home on the Isle of Mull. I have a few more sessions to go but am very hopeful and also very grateful for all the amazing support I have and am still receiving.

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Sylvia Fraser, Clinical Governance Facilitator & NHS Highland Operational Lead for Care Opinion, Clinical Governance, NHS Highland 7 months ago
Sylvia Fraser
Clinical Governance Facilitator & NHS Highland Operational Lead for Care Opinion, Clinical Governance,
NHS Highland

I am part of the overall team who manages complaints for NHS Highland and are known as the Feedback Team. We offer patients, relatives, MPs/MSPs, staff and anyone who requires assistance is registering a concern or formal complaint.

Submitted on 18/07/2024 at 15:38
Published on Care Opinion at 15:38

picture of Sylvia Fraser

Dear Sagitarius29

Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in responding to your feedback.

Thank you for taking the time to write this post for Care Opinion. I am happy to hear that you have had such a positive experience with our services and hope that this continues to go well for you.

It is reassuring to know that our staff members are creative in their thinking, planning and collaborative approaches to ensure that our service users are able to access the appropriate service to their needs.

With best wishes for your ongoing treatment and support.

Leslie Mackay
Clinical Services Manager (Community Mental Health and Addiction Services)

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