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"Sick of being dismissed and ignored"

About: Lincoln County Hospital / Accident and emergency Lincoln County Hospital / Trauma and orthopaedics

(as the patient),

2 years ago I unexpectedly fell at home. During the fall, I clearly dislocated my left ankle. I knew I had dislocated for 2 reasons, 1- It looked deformed & 2- I have hypermobility Ehlers Danlos Syndrome & my joints dislocate easily. At Lincoln UTC I was barely looked at dismissed & ignored. By this point, it was about 6 hours after I'd fallen & my ankle was incredibly swollen. The x-ray showed nothing apparently despite the monstrous swelling & the all over foot bruising. 

From start to finish with this ankle injury I have simply not been listened to at all & frankly, I'm fed up with that. 

I had already injured this ankle when I was a teenager. Since this injury, I am always in pain, my ankle swells up at any amount of movement, I cannot fully flex my ankle forward because it feels like something is blocking the movement & my 4th toe no longer bends. The ankle is weaker & more unstable than it was before. 

At the appointment I had just a few weeks ago, the Dr quizzed me on the use of my mobility aid, which was unnecessary & irrelevant to the injury. I don't use my mobility aids for my ankle injury, I am disabled & that's why I use it. 

I felt they weren't listening to me, when I mentioned the lack of movement they asked if it was because of stiffness & I said, "No...because..." & they cut me off & just repeated stiffness. No, I cannot move my ankle because something is stopping it! I can't even move it manually because something is stopping the movement. 

The doctors I saw just didn't listen to me. This is a 2 year saga that has been filled with incompetence tbh. I can't swim because I can't move my ankle properly & it hurts, I was swimming to help me lose weight. I'm just fed up at not being listened to. I want to see the copy of an x-ray I had in Lincoln A&E several years (about 16-20 years) earlier that showed a weird pattern through my ankle (the nurse said it looked like the AC/DC lightening) & compare it to the x-rays I've had done in the last 2 years to see if there is actual significant change. To me, my ankle looks different, very different, since I fell, yet when I say this, I'm ignored. 

I feel very frustrated, angry & emotionally drained by this whole fiasco. It's distressing as it is that I fell but to have this injury plague me for 2 years & Drs ignore the words I'm saying is enough to send anyone mad. 

I am sick of being dismissed & ignored. 

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