"Outpatient Hysteroscopy Fail"

About: Royal Preston Hospital / Gynaecology

(as a service user),

I was given two appointments over the phone, one for a scan and one for an appointment at clinic.  A follow-up letter confirming the latter.  Nowhere, either in the phone call or the letter was a procedure mentioned. 

When I got there, I was told it would be a quick, relatively pain-free procedure. The nurse who initially tried to do it couldn't,  so she caked in the registrar - a man.  He told me that I had stenosis of the cervix, possibly scar tissue from a previous procedure, and would like to try 'to save me coming back'. I agreed.

What I didn't agree to was the use of sharp instruments being used to grip, pierce and manoeuvre my cervix into a better position, without consent or even warning! I didn't agree to sharp instruments being used to try to create an opening, again, no warning,  no consent.  I was crying and in serious pain.

I was told I was going well but not told about what he was doing.  I had to tell them to stop as I couldn't cope with the sharp, intense pain.  Only when he did stop and removed everything he'd been using from my vagina, was I ally to see the blood-stained instruments he'd used. 

I was offered no pain relief, no time to recover, although I told them my legs were shaking from the pain and trauma, offered no sanitary wear to deal with the loss of blood from being butchered. I was in shock. 

I couldnt talk to my husband about it for the rest of the day or the following.  On the next day,  I broke down and just sobbed.  Would they perform a being vasectomy with no anaesthetic?  I don't think so! 

I now have to have this procedure done under general anaesthetic and I am petrified. It needs doing because they are hoping to rule out cancer, but my trust in them has gone. I don't want to go. I just keep crying. 

Words cannot express the pain I endured.  Why are they think this is okay?  Why in 2024 are we still expecting women to endure this? 

The consent form I stiffness l signed did not represent what happened. I feel was brutally assaulted. I did not make an informed decision and would not have agreed to proceed had I have known!

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