"Cancellation of Horticulture"

About: Rampton Hospital

(as a service user),

I have been approached recently by OT and horticulture department informing me that my allocated slot on Monday mornings have been cancelled for the time being. The reason they stated is that there were a long waiting list of patients wanting to attend horticulture and that it was time to rotate the list. I feel very harshly done by as I have been exemplary in my behaviour towards other patients and members of staff and have used all tools appropriately. I feel that there are plenty of other times that patients can access horticulture and feel unjust that it is my session that they have removed me from. 

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Response from Sam McDaid, Day Care Manager, Southwell, Rapmton Hospital, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 4 days ago
Sam McDaid
Day Care Manager, Southwell, Rapmton Hospital,
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 12/07/2024 at 14:30
Published on Care Opinion at 14:31


I am sorry you feel the way you do and its nice to hear that you enjoy your sessions in horticulture. Unfortunately Mental health is a large service without its own horticulture area and therefore we rely on main horticulture to allow us to use their area when not in use by the other three services. Currently we have one tooled session and one non tooled session allocated to us per week. In addition we have a green tooled plus session which is mixed with other services. As you can see with a service as big as Mental Health and limited sessions, we struggle to allocate horticulture sessions to all our patients which is why your OT came to see you to explain that we needed to give other patients new to the hospital the opportunities to undergo trial and induction sessions which will support their journey through the hospital, the same as yourself. It is my understanding that your OT has agreed for you to re-join horticulture at the next program. I hope this helps you to understand the reason why we sometimes have to make decisions like this.

Samantha McDaid

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