"Misunderstanding and Diabolical Responses since…"

About: Royal Crescent Surgery

Doctor orders a ct scan due to unexplained weight loss following ongoing abdominal pain. Hospital organises ct scan and Gastroscopy shortly afterwards 27/28 June - fantastic service.

Nothing heard for next week and anxious as biopsies taken during Gastroscopy.

I’m not aware that it’s the hospital consultant who ordered the tests and was under the assumption my gp did so following my appointment. I try to obtain some feedback from local gp practice only to be fobbed off on 4 occasions - and by text!

Eventually speak with hospital consultant secretary who advised consultant on holiday until 23 July but gp can view results via ice. Try and fobbed off again. Leave message with consultant secretary and phone gp Surgery. Surgery tell me they’ll ask gp to contact me on Monday. Later however that the consultant secretary has a letter ready to go out first class and should receive Saturday 13th. Letter duly received and diagnosis of barretts Oesophagus confirmed but no follow up or advice given. Monday afternoon I receive a text from Doctor advising that I contact pals if I have a complaint with hospital!!. I don’t have a complaint with anyone - I just want answers and as far as I was concerned it was my own Doctor who requested the tests - not the hospital. This was not made clear and in any case I would now expect a call from my own Doctor advising ‘next steps’.

Preston Road Surgery are fantastic but on this occasion - nothing is clear, it seems I’m being fobbed off and I’m still in pain with no further advice on what happens now.

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