"My daughters health"

About: Chesterfield Royal Hospital / Accident and emergency

(as a parent/guardian),

My daughter was taken to A&E on the Tuesday with alot of pain suppose to have been a 40 mins wait turned out to be 4hrs 30mins later, all what was done was bloods were taken, and urine test which came back with blood in but no infections.

My daughter was then sent home with antibiotics while she were there they could see how much pain she were in but didn't take her down for any scans or anything on her stomach or back. Now if the staff didn't think there were anything wrong why would they send her home with antibiotics?

Then on the Friday of the same week my daughter took quite ill, she was sweating very very pale more white and pain was a lot worse, she was taken back to hospital by her husband to them admitting her to turn out she had a kidney stone high up which could have caused sepsis as she had a blockage. This led to surgery and having a stent put in.

So the Dr who seen my daughter on Fri night was absolutely fabulous - unfortunately my daughter didn't get a name but they acted on her pain.

Now if staff had acted on her illness on the Tuesday this could have been dealt with much sooner. If we had known the staff on the Tuesday night, we would have reported it.

Hoping my daughter now will be on the road to recovery

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