"Excellent care in women’s health"

About: Pilgrim Hospital / Day Surgery Unit

(as the patient),

I had uterine polyps and was recently a patient for a day procedure on Ward B1 ‘Women’s Health’. The ward was immaculate, I was seen on time, the procedure was explained fully by Mr Mohanty before hand. I was looked after so well by SN Emma, SN Debra, AN Susan and Trudea during the procedure. Mr Mohanty, despite having a full list, took time to answer questions post procedure, he was brilliant and I am so grateful.

I have a documented concern regarding treatment that I received at at another hospital earlier this year, which shattered my faith in the NHS and particularly this trust. But when I was recently taken to Boston hospital because I needed urgent medical care, I was seen in A&E, triaged and had a bed on a ward within 20 minutes of arrival at the hospital, seen by consultants, given excellent care including blood transfusions which kept me going until the above medical procedure which was brought forward because my condition had declined. Each time I’ve attended Boston hospital I have had my condition fully explained to me, had the range of treatment that I could receive explained to me and I have always felt confident leaving the hospital that I have had the best medical care.

What I am most grateful to, is as a mother, my children had been traumatised by the actions of the hospital I visited previously, but Mr. Mohanty and his team have restored their faith in the national health service in the last month and that means everything, because should they become ill, they would be reliant on this trust to make them better. There are no words to express my gratitude for that. I sincerely thank Mr Mohanty and his team for everything, I cannot tell you how much better I feel for having had the procedure, the polyps had caused bleeding for months and it was destroying my life. By bringing my procedure forward and looking after me with outstanding medical care I  feel like they’ve given me my life back. 

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