"Absolutely Amazing Response"

About: Chesterfield Royal Hospital

Had a sudden flare up of Crohns on Sunday morning. After 20 odd years. Paramedics arrived in 10 minutes to find me on my bed half passed out. Blood pressure of 70 over 40. Put some fluids in me, locked the house up. Got straight into resus. No waiting. Treated brilliantly and kindly. Was moved to majors where I was given a commode to use. Passed more blood. Went back to resus and then had a C T scan for the abdomen. Found to have no abnormalities. Back to resus where I was monitored. When all results were in and all my readings were normal I was moved to a ward which was beautiful as was the whole of the rest of the areas I visited. Every member of staff on these two days were brilliant. I was in ward 4 / 4 in the emergency department I believe. I saw three doctors during my time over the weekend which is unheard of where my Dad lives. Sleeping was a bit rough because of all the noise but I realise I am trying to sleep in a working environment so it’s to be expected when you’re not used to it. I have been lucky enough not to have an extensive history with the NHS unlike some people who have poor health. As much as this was a fairly traumatic experience for me, I was so reassured by your hospital and staff that I can’t believe I am sitting typing this review in my front room today having been discharged after one day. I have now been put back on drugs for Crohns which is a bit sad after all this time but weirdly reassuring and have been referred to I B department. Anyway the whole experience I have to say (despite the horror of all the blood) was a first class hospital experience. My partner who drove all the way from Bedford to come to my house to pack me a bag concurred with me. He said very well organised and that I well looked after. Thanks to everyone I had contact with including paramedic staff, doctors, nurses, auxiliary nurses, porters and cleaning staff all of which treated me with dignity and respect.

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