"I am humbled by their care and kindness"

About: Royal Derby Hospital

(as a carer),

My mother has been made terrified by our somewhat challenged GP

but maintains incredible resilience and we were recently at Vascular

Clinic at Royal Derby Hospital where she received excellent care and

attention from Nurse Lauren. Lauren is so engaging and knowledgeable.

Her attention to detail and consideration for mum’s wider health concerns

and needs was so appreciated as mum is in her  90s and struggling

to walk. We received excellent support and transportation from three

buggy drivers - Nev, Roger and Doug - who got her to and from where

she needed to be in a timely and courteous fashion. Steph in the

5th floor restaurant was excellent sorting out my confusion with

the services there and food was brilliant. Dawn in M&S ground

floor helped enormously with my shopping for mum’s needs as

we’ve both been restricted getting out and about.  This was a

memorable day, exhausting for mum given all she has to go

through but she’s so stoic in the face of setbacks and disruptions

that have so imperilled her safety and desire to stay at home,

safe and well cared for by DNs in her own environment with

all she wants close at hand. Thank you one and all, particularly

Lauren for being such a valuable part of mum’s care. I cannot

thank you enough for such extra kindness, so appreciated given

all we’ve endured and unpleasantness that she never deserved

from a once valued, respected and much loved GP practice.

Of course we couldn’t do any of this without the help and

support of an incredible taxi driver Liz, who gets mum from

A to B despite the time it takes mum to negotiate getting in and out.

We have some incredible people in our lives and I am humbled

by their care and kindness for mum. It puts our GP issues in a

whole different league and leaves me wondering why some

GPs can’t learn more from nurses who show so much more

actual care and concern for patients? They maybe doctors but

some still have lots to learn about communications, empathy,

kindness and respect for elderly patients. Thank you Royal Derby.

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