"Can we improve signage on St Lukes site?"

About: St Luke's Hospital / Old Age Psychiatry

(as a staff member posting for a patient/service user),

I met an elderly lady recently who had arrived at the main building, looking for the clinic and became upset at not being able to find it, concerned that despite being in good time she would be late for an appointment.

For our patients, would it be possible to provide signage to the Clover Clinic  at all entrances to the St Luke's site or at least offer patients directions in their appointment letter?

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Response from Christine Armstrong, Care Opinion Facilitator, Executive Directorate of Nursing Midwifery, AHP’s and Functional Support Services, Southern Health and Social Care Trust 4 months ago
We are preparing to make a change
Christine Armstrong
Care Opinion Facilitator, Executive Directorate of Nursing Midwifery, AHP’s and Functional Support Services,
Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Submitted on 27/08/2024 at 12:55
Published on Care Opinion at 12:58

picture of Christine Armstrong

Dear moonsf83 - thank you so much for sharing this story with us. We can certainly appreciate that it can be difficult for patients to find their way around St Luke's site. We are sorry to read that this lady became very upset and was concerned about being late for her appointment.

We have shared this story with our colleagues in the Estates Department who have assured us that they will be looking at how signage can be improved on St Luke's site.

Many thanks again for the feedback

Kind Regards

Christine Armstrong

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Response from Mary Rafferty, Team Lead Psychiatry of Old Age, Ashleigh House, St Luke's Site, Armagh, Mental Health and Disability Directorate, Southern Health and Social Services Trust 4 months ago
We have made a change
Mary Rafferty
Team Lead Psychiatry of Old Age, Ashleigh House, St Luke's Site, Armagh, Mental Health and Disability Directorate,
Southern Health and Social Services Trust
Submitted on 02/09/2024 at 12:15
Published on Care Opinion at 12:16

Dear moonf83, I really appreciate the story that you have shared and the difficulties that can be faced by service users attending a new service. You have opened up a lot of positive conversations in our team in regard to how we can make this experience less stressful for service users. We will provide a map to accompany the initial appointment letter for all first appointments. This along with the review of signage should prevent any reoccurrence of unnecessary distress.

Your feedback has been really useful so thankyou for that.

Kind regards

Mary Rafferty

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