"Very little monitoring"

About: Paediatrics / Acorn Ward

(as a service user),

24 hour observation on new born. Very little monitoring, some rude staff. No messages passed on to the midwife. Pretty slack.

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Response from Angela Giles, Ward Management Team PA, Children's unit, Somerset Foundation Trust 4 months ago
We are preparing to make a change
Angela Giles
Ward Management Team PA, Children's unit,
Somerset Foundation Trust
Submitted on 02/09/2024 at 11:32
Published on Care Opinion at 11:33

picture of Angela Giles

Hi xrayjq84

I am so sorry to hear that you have had a disappointing experience whilst in Hospital with your new Baby.

We would really love to have a conversation with you to find out more about your stay and the changes we can make. I can be contacted on the following email angela.giles@somersetft.nhs.uk, We can arrange a convenient time to talk through your concerns.

I hope you are both settling well at home now and enjoying your time together as a family

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards

Angela Giles

Ward Management Team PA

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Update posted by xrayjq84 (a service user)

Hi there, so to be more specific, there were a few incidents where my wife was made to feel quite neglected, ridiculed and had to explain the nurses job to her!

We were in for 24hrs monitoring, now I understand that this might not mean continuous monitoring. However the readings were not explained and when the machine alarms, my wife would push the button for assistance, nurse would look through the window. This happened many times! My wife obviously concerned continued to push the button, eventually nurse says its nothing to worry about. My wife literally had to ask how she was supposed to know as it had not been explained and it was the nurses job as the medical professional at hand to explain when she needed to push the button or not, but ended up disconnecting the machine instead.

Also, my wife would like the window shut as there is a cold breeze and her and baby are directly below the window, nurse says its very hot in here, another conversation, baby's temperature is taken, too cold. As we were in a rush to get to hospital we forgot sock, we were offered a pair and the window was shut, but on leaving the room nurse remarks to colleagues how silly she was for not having socks, in clear ear shot! Obviously this was quite upsetting for my wife.

Also we had an appointment with the midwife already booked and was overlapping our stay, we didn't yet have that midwifes phone number and I asked if anyone could help me get it, I gave the midwifes name and was told don't worry we'll find it and pass the message on. This didn't happen and we were called by the midwife who was at our house.

There were some very lovely caring and helpful staff however, but that's kind of expected in paediatric ward. We both felt like it was a massive waste of time and caused more stress than anything else. I hope this helps future people who have to be admitted to acorn ward,

many thanks

Response from Suzy Mason, Matron for Paediatrics, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust 4 months ago
Suzy Mason
Matron for Paediatrics,
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 11/09/2024 at 15:40
Published on Care Opinion at 15:51

Dear xrayjq84,

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience with us. I am glad to hear that you were cared for by some caring and helpful staff but that this was overshadowed by the rest of your experience.

I would really like to have the opportunity to discuss this with you further so that we can learn from this experience and ensure we make any changes needed to support future families. If you are happy to contact me directly, you can email me at suzy.mason@somersetft.nhs.uk or if you would rather do this via our PALS team you can contact them at pals@somersetft.nhs.uk or by calling 01823 343536.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards

Suzy Mason

Paediatric Matron

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Response from Suzy Mason, Matron for Paediatrics, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust 3 months ago
We have made a change
Suzy Mason
Matron for Paediatrics,
Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Submitted on 02/10/2024 at 10:27
Published on Care Opinion at 10:36

Dear xrayjq84,

Although we have not yet had the opportunity to discuss your experience in any more detail I wanted to share with you steps that we have taken to ensure other families have a different experience when staying on the children's unit.

We have reminded staff that it is important to explain what monitoring we are undertaking and why so that families have an understanding of what to expect from the nursing team during their stay, this includes explaining to parents and carers what to do in the event of any monitors alarming.

We have also reminded nursing staff of the importance of keeping our maternity colleagues updated regarding patients that are in our care and also still under the care of their midwife to ensure that we are working together to support families in the best joined up way.

I hope this goes some way to reassuring you that we have taken your feedback on board and are learning from this experience in order to improve patient and family experience.

If you would like to discuss any further, I would still like the opportunity to explore your personal experience whilst with us and I am contactable by email suzy.mason@somersetft.nhs.uk.

Kind regards

Suzy Mason

Paediatric Matron

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