"I had a quick labour and was made comfortable throughout"

About: University Hospital Wishaw / Maternity Care (Wards 21-24)

(as a service user),

Following a growth scan I was brought straight to triage for a CTG and consultant review due to stunted growth.

The midwives were fantastic and quickly explained what would happen and got me assessed. The consultant arrived quickly and reviewed us and decided that due to being overdue I could be induced. The next available slot was two days away but the consultant arranged for me to come in the next morning and sent me home with what to look out for. I was very thankful for not having to worry for two days.

The next morning we arrived in antenatal and were told the labour ward had no free beds just now so we were made comfortable and checks started in the antenatal ward. We were offered breakfast from the day room where we could help ourselves which was quite a nice idea. At 10am we got brought to the labour ward the midwives were fantastic!!

My labour in contrast to my first in 2021 was night and day, my birth plan was read, discussed and followed. Everything was discussed and explained before being done and nothing felt like too much hassle for the staff.

I had a quick labour and was made comfortable throughout which as a result meant most of my labour was spent talking and sleeping. The charge midwife had been present but came back as she had to rush off to congratulate us which was lovely. We had wanted to get home and staff were arranging this for that night but due to the 6 hour checks it would be late so I decided to stay when I explained this and apologised the staff were amazing and made no issue of it.

They arranged a side room in post natal ward who checked me in and made sure I had my buzzer and left me to get some sleep. My only complaints would be I had been told I would need iron on discharge, through the night my bloods were rechecked and I wonder if I hadn’t gone home would this have been checked.

The next day my son was able to come up due to being in a side room for the full day which was great but waiting for the bloods to be checked and anti d to be given was a bit slow process and I felt I could have cleared a bed quickly however I appreciate staff are busy. I really have to commend all the staff on the improvement of this experience in comparison to 2021. 

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Response from Carole Burns, Senior Midwife, Inpatients, University Hospital Wishaw 2 weeks ago
Carole Burns
Senior Midwife, Inpatients,
University Hospital Wishaw
Submitted on 11/09/2024 at 15:58
Published on Care Opinion at 15:58

Dear Warmnf67,

Congratulations on the birth of your baby and new addition to your family. I was delighted to hear that your experience has been such a positive one and to hear the staff throughout the Unit receiving such praise.

Its lovely to hear that your Birth Plan and preferences were followed so well and you felt listened to, This is the kind of care that we strive to provide within Maternity.

I am sorry you were delayed waiting for your results and Anti D and can look into this if you would like? If not, I can certainly feedback to the Staff in the area to try to improve.

In the meantime, I will pass this lovely post onto the staff and am sure they will be delighted to hear it. I hope that you are recovering well and settling into life with your new wee addition to the family.

Thank you again for taking the time to post. we really appreciate it and wish you all the best,

Take Care


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