"We were updated regularly and the staff were very friendly"

About: Scottish Ambulance Service / Patient Transport Service University Hospital Wishaw / Neo-natal Intensive Care

(as a service user),

After getting home with our newborn baby the previous day she wasn’t feeding very well or at all despite trying different things, when she vomited a fairy liquid colour vomit we phoned triage who put us through to neonatal, we spoke with a Dr who advised us to go to the hospital.

On arrival baby was checked over and drs and ANPs were quickly called in and updated us on the likely cause. From here we were quickly admitted to NICU and baby got bloods, NG tube and cannula in.

The team were great and kept us updated while supporting us too because I was upset with worrying about my baby. We were constantly kept informed on what was happening or what the next thing would be.

We were told we would need to go to Glasgow for a contrast test but due to our other child having a cough we wouldn’t be accepted to the NICU so the consultant arranged for us to go through A&E. We were told it could be a few hours due to transport change over at 8pm but transport arrived quickly the Scotstar team were fantastic again putting us at ease and looking after us as well as our baby like she was their own. While the test was done the team waited for us to bring us back to Wishaw when we got the all clear.

On arrival back to NICU the team removed the NG and monitors and dressed my daughter because we were so tired before letting me feed and cuddle her. They never rushed us and ensured I was hydrated while feeding before moving us to transitional care. In transitional care we were welcomed in by friendly smiles it felt like a home from home.

I was provided a bed in my baby’s room and my partner was able to stay on a pull out bed. The kitchen was help yourself which was exactly what we needed by 2am because we were starving so ate and got some sleep.

The ward provided wipes, nappies, nappy bags probably formula too but I was breast feeding. Lunch and dinner were provided for me and my partner to allow us to stay with baby. Midwives were happy to look after our baby to allow us to go to the cafe if needed or the shop with our older child.

Nothing was too much hassle we were updated regularly and the staff were very friendly and helpful it almost felt like a post natal break to allow me recover from birth!

For what was a scary experience in terms of an unwell baby it was  an amazing experience by all the staff! 

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Response from Alan Martin, Patient Experience Manager, Corporate Affairs and Engagement, Scottish Ambulance Service 2 weeks ago
Alan Martin
Patient Experience Manager, Corporate Affairs and Engagement,
Scottish Ambulance Service
Submitted on 10/09/2024 at 12:10
Published on Care Opinion at 12:10

picture of Alan Martin

Dear warmnf67,

Many thanks for taking the time to share your feedback here on CareOpinion. I am so sorry to read about what happened to your little one, that sounds terrifying. I hope that you are all home now and they are feeling better. It is great to hear positive stories about the work our wonderful staff provide.

If you wish I can pass on the feedback to the ScotSTAR crew directly. To do so we would need to know the date, rough time and address that the team attended and your little ones name. This information can be sent to sas.feedback@nhs.scot for the team to pick up. If you do decide to do this, would you be so kind as to make reference to your CareOpinion username so that the team can easily locate your story and share it with the crew.

I wish you all the very best and thanks again.

Kind Regards


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Response from Sharon Oosterbosch, Neonatal Senior Nurse, Neonatal, NHS Lanarkshire 2 weeks ago
Sharon Oosterbosch
Neonatal Senior Nurse, Neonatal,
NHS Lanarkshire
Submitted on 11/09/2024 at 09:51
Published on Care Opinion at 09:51

picture of Sharon Oosterbosch

Dear Warmnf67,

Congratulations on your new baby, I hope you are all doing well. Thank you for taking the time to tell us about your fantastic experience. I am delighted to hear that you and your family were very well supported during a worrisome time. I will feed back to our Neonatal and Transitional care team, they will be delighted to hear the impact they had on your experience.

Kind regards,

Sharon Oosterbosch

Neonatal Senior Nurse

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