"Surgical management of miscarriage"

About: Altnagelvin Area Hospital / Gynaecology FAU (Ward 43)

(as a service user),

I arrived at epu at 8.30am for my 2nd scan to confirm no heartbeat and then to be admitted for surgical miscarriage.

I was told I was on the emergency list, there was 4 in front but this could change if any emergencies come in, I fully understood.

There was no room available on the ward so I was giving and empty clinic room until one became available.

I was giving tablets to soften my cervix after 11am then moved onto the ward before 1pm. I started spotting and passing clots late afternoon and bled through the 2 pairs of pants I had with me (I was wearing pads). The ward had no paper pants they could give me but did provide me with tena nappy/pants. 

By 6.30pm I had still no word of surgery but a nurse rang down and was told I was next on the list. 

At 9pm the porter came to get to take me down. Just as I was about to be wheeled down, my surgery was pushed back due to an emergency.

I started passing more clots after this and a Dr came into my room to examine me and the following was said:

•What was the urgency in getting the surgery done today

•Why did we come today and not the night before

•Clinic starts at 9am so why did we come at 8.30am

•They were the only Dr in charge of multiple wards

•They had a potential section to do so couldn’t keep checking on me

•Why wasn’t I admitted until the afternoon nor giving my medication til the afternoon 

•They said proper procedures weren’t followed

•They had staff storages so it could be dangerous if something went wrong in surgery.

I was now terrified at this point. I was finally taken to my surgery just before midnight, but I do want to say at this stage I had been fasting for 26hours. 

I do want to say every nurse and care assistant that came into my room was outstanding. The care, kindness and compassion they showed not only me but my husband is something we will be eternally grateful for.

The experience as a whole has definitely affected me mentally and I hope no one else has to go through this. 

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Response from Leanne Hughes, Lead Nurse for Gynaecology Services WHSCT, Women and Children Service Altnagelvin, Western Health & Social Care Trust last week
Leanne Hughes
Lead Nurse for Gynaecology Services WHSCT, Women and Children Service Altnagelvin,
Western Health & Social Care Trust

Service Manager for Gynaecology

Submitted on 15/09/2024 at 14:46
Published on Care Opinion at 14:46


Thank you for taking the time to reflect on a difficult and emotional journey for you

I wish to acknowledge the loss of a baby/pregnancy is very difficult emotionally and I am very sorry to read you feel your experience within our services compounded this.

To help me understand and respond to your story, when you are ready, could you make contact with myself MON-FRI 9-4pm EXT 213133

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful

Update posted by HRK_92 (a service user)

Hi Leeanne,

Yes I have no problem in contacting you to discuss further. I want to make sure that no woman has to be talked to or treated the way I was when already going through a highly emotional and distressing time.

There is alot of further points I would like to discuss that I could not fit into the care opinion.

Kind regards

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