"A big big thank you to the staff that cared for me and my baby"

About: Altnagelvin Area Hospital / Anderson House Maternity care / Ward 45 ( antenatal) Maternity care / Ward 46 (post-natal) Maternity care / Ward 48 (labour ward)

(as the patient),

So after having my care transferred from SWAH at 38 weeks due to gestational diabetes, I had a consultant appointment in Anderson House. The consultant I seen had read my notes and seen on the growth chart that my baby hadn’t grown between my last two growth scans which I had had in the SWAH (baby came out a full pound and an ounce heavier than the growth scan so he had grown).

This led them to be very concerned and wanted to check the fetal heart beat. I was appreciative that they were actually concerned for my baby and wanted to double check he was ok there and then but the manner in which they approached the situation was awful. They dropped there pen on the desk and stood up and said to check if this baby is even still alive. My heart sank and I could see my mothers did too. In that moment they planted a seed of doubt in my head, making me think I had lost my baby. So I was quite disappointed on the care I received from them. 

I was then sent up to the fetal assessment unit in the main building and the staff there were amazing. I then saw Dr Muhammad the consultant and he went through my options with me and recommended an induction. As a first time mum I was a bit nervous and anxious and Dr Muhammad was so comforting and went through everything with me and answered all my questions. I cannot thank him enough for how calm he made me feel about the whole experience.

So I was brought to the antenatal ward to begin my induction. After I had been given the Pessary mid week here nothing else happened until the weekend when I was finally took to labour ward. My only issue here was I was told every night I would be going to labour ward in the morning to have my waters broke yet never made it over. This is to no fault of any of the staff as the labour ward was busy but it was just quite a wait with nothing happening and I understand it is policy that I had to stay and was unable to just go home in between. 

Finally I was took to the labour ward Sunday morning and had an absolutely amazing wee midwife to break my waters. I think her name was Niamh. She put music on for me and was so friendly. She went through everything with me and made me very comfortable.

The change of shift then came and I was nervous for Niamh to leave as I really loved having her there. The two midwifes who took over were both also absolutely amazing and I can never thank them enough for everything they done for me. Amy and student midwife Emillie were two of the best people I could have had in with me. They were brilliant and their kind words and support just helped so much.

I had an anaesthetist come in then to put another cannula in incase I needed a section, I am upset I can’t remember her name as she also deserves a mention. One of the nicest staff members I have ever met. Explained everything she was doing thoroughly and even took the time to tell me how well I was breathing through contractions with gas and air.

All these ladies just made me feel so great about how I was handling labour and are the reason my birth story, although it ended in a section, is so positive. I would also like to mention how involved they made my partner in everything that was happening and how well they treated him. 

I’d also like to show appreciation to the everyone in the surgery room. They were also all amazing people. 

Moving on to the post natal ward, I had one great midwife here as well, Gemma. After having my wee boy. She made sure to bring me something to eat and took the time to talk to me. I’d like to give her thanks for that.

Unfortunately my midwife the next day was not so pleasant. Not a very nice woman and very argumentative and made me feel like due to being a younger mummy (22) that I knew nothing. After my baby being checked over by a lovely senior midwife and then by a paediatrician later in the day, I was told I had a completely healthy baby boy. However said midwife then tried to tell me that my baby was jaundiced. This was just before I was due to go home and obviously worried me a bit. I was so confused as to how this wasn’t picked up in the two prior checks. However when I asked another staff member they told me he wasn’t jaundiced.

We were then sent home none the wiser as to whether or not baby was jaundiced. The midwife that then came out to my home the next day had agreed she didn’t think he was jaundiced and that the level they check in the hospital was indeed okay. I just feel like that midwife didn’t want to be there and was nearly trying to just be argumentative for fun. 

But on a positive note, a big big thank you to the staff that cared for me and my baby, especially the staff I met in the labour ward, you are amazing.

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