"Left me very confused"

About: South West Acute Hospital / Maternity care

(as the patient),

After being transferred from Omagh to SWAH for my antenatal appointments due to a late diagnosis of GD, I seen a lovely diabetic team who explained everything so well to me and really helped me keep my GD diet controlled.

My first week up here I seen a lovely female consultant although I can’t remember her name. She was great at explaining everything to me and her growth scan was very thorough and she really checked everything to make sure my baby was okay and growing. I’d also like to mention the staff member she had in with her, Cara, was an absolutely amazing asset to the team at SWAH. Cara was very comforting and talkative which was lovely, she is such a breath of fresh air in that clinic and made my mother feel very included in the process as well, so thank you to that consultant and to Cara. 

However my second visit to this clinic wasn’t as positive as the first. The consultant I seen on this occasion was not pleasant. When it came to the growth scan I feel like they rushed it and wasn’t as thorough as the previous scans I had. The consultant then proceeded to tell me they couldn’t get a good measurement of the baby and told me this was due to my BMI, which I had never heard from any other staff member before, no other consultant had ever had issues getting my baby’s measurements before. They then said we would just have to leave it.

When the consultant was filling in my growth chart I watched them go to plot the point on the growth chart and it was below where it was plotted the last time. They then proceeded to move their hand up and just plot it on the same line as the last scan and tell me my baby hadn’t grew. Due to this I was then sent to foetal assessment to monitor baby’s movements.

The consultant never explained anything about my baby not growing or why this may be a cause for concern, they just rushed me out of their clinic. When I was hooked up to the machines in foetal assessment, the consultant then came in and told me they wanted to transfer me to another hospital with little to no explanation as to why, then left me.

So after baby was monitored I had to ask a midwife what I was supposed to do now and they also didn’t know if the consultant had got acceptance for the transfer or not. So I headed back to the clinic and had to wait to see the consultant for well over an hour. They told me I had an appointment at the new hospital in two day's time.

So I was rushed out again, with no explanation as to why I was being transferred or why my baby hadn’t grown. The consultant didn’t listen to any of my concerns and all they wanted to talk about was my BMI and made me feel awful for getting pregnant with a higher BMI.

So I had to sit at home for two days not really knowing anything. Honestly I felt like the consultant didn't want to be there and left me very confused because one minute they're booking my induction in the SWAH and the next they're sending me elsewhere.

This experience would put me off ever coming to SWAH again. 

Do you have a similar story to tell? Tell your story & make a difference ››


Response from Mairead McKenna, Midwifery Sister SWAH, Western Health & Social Care Trust yesterday
Mairead McKenna
Midwifery Sister SWAH,
Western Health & Social Care Trust
Submitted on 26/09/2024 at 13:03
Published on Care Opinion at 13:03


Congratulations on your pregnancy. Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback in relation to the care you received in the SWAH.

In relation to your first visit I am glad the care you received from the consultant and team was positive and I have passed on your feedback to Cara who you have mentioned.

I am sorry the care you received on the subsequent visit to the clinic was not of the standard it should have been. I can only apologies that the communication was poor and that you felt you were not listened to.

You may wish to liase with the manager in the antenatal clinic, Alison Ferguson to express and highlight your concerns.

I wish you the very best.

Kind Regards

Mairead McKenna

Midwifery Sister

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