"Inspirational and transformational"

About: University Hospital Monklands / Trauma & orthopaedics

(as a service user),

I was referred to the Hand Therapy Unit in University Hospital Monklands in December 2022, because I had broken both wrists badly about 3 months previously and had developed the neurological condition, CRPS. I was in pain, exhausted & movement in my wrists, hands & fingers was negligible; I was incapable of doing anything for myself. My partner was my carer 24/7 and was exhausted, not least having to get me up usually twice every night because of the pain. I felt totally lost, couldn’t see what to do to move forward. It was a bleak time. 

And then I had my first appointment with the hand therapist, Debbie. Without exaggeration, it was both inspirational and transformational. I’m not going to go into any real detail but while she worked on my hands etc she asked questions, listened, offered ideas & suggestions, all in a quietly professional, positive & intuitive manner: she very clearly seemed to be on my team.

She gave us hope, the most important thing we could have had at that point: we were, up until then, hopeless. For the first time in almost three months, we believed there was light at the end of the tunnel.

Many appointments later, lots (& lots) of well-focused activities and exercises to work on & so many wonderful skills rediscovered as a result (who would have thought lifting and drinking an espresso, turning a handle to open a door, zipping up my own jacket… would result in such joy!), trying to work round the setbacks because of the CRPS - the list is extensive but every example underlines the therapist’s incredible knowledge & skill and her ability to engage and inspire. I felt, always, that we were working as a team.

I’ve now had my last appointment, and while my hands aren’t fully functional - I was told at the outset, and again when CRPS was identified, some function would be irretrievable - what I can do is, literally, amazing & I still have pinch me moments. And I have the understanding of what I need to do to stay amazing! I am, most definitely, not the woman I was at my first appointment: I am so grateful to be the real me now. And I’m even more grateful to have been able to work with an outstanding hand specialist.

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