"Unacceptable waiting times for ADHD diagnosis"

About: Community Mental Health / South Perthshire Community Mental Health Team General practices in Tayside

(as a parent/guardian),

My daughter completed all the online diagnostic tools used to diagnose an adult with ADHD.  She knew her symptoms were typical of adult ADHD and wanted to get a diagnosis on what she believed was affecting her.

Her doctor said they would refer her and didn't, and after complaining to the GP practice, my daughter was then referred.

Her GP practice then informed her in writing that they were in contact with NHS Tayside Community Mental Health Team regarding its list status. They had been advised that until February 2024 there had been one Psychiatric Consultant for the entire CMH service for South Tayside. However that individual left their post and they have been unable to recruit to the position. The service is therefore only screening referrals and where these are accepted, patients are being added to the list to be seen pending future recruitment.

They confirmed that the patient at the top of the list had been referred around 2 years and five months earlier. We are also advised that if a referral had been submitted in September 2022 it would have been screened and if it had been accepted, you would have been 79th on the list with an estimated waiting period of around 3.5 years, meaning that it is unlikely you would have been seen until at least February 2026. Currently, the list is not moving at all due to the recruitment situation.

The Dr's referral in January 2024 was supported by a letter outlining the position and seeking additional consideration in terms of expediting the process. This referral has since been screened and the service does not view the circumstances as urgent. They are therefore treating the referral as routine and have confirmed that only those patients assessed as at immediate risk to life are being considered urgently. Screening in those cases is via a separate specialist consultant in the North Tayside service who has a maximum appointment capacity of 6 appointments per week for their region.

The service has also confirmed that where patients receive a private diagnosis they will be placed on an extensive list and will not receive any form of treatment until they are fully assessed by a consultant. For information, this is the same team that would diagnose and treat those patients referred via the NHS system of referral. The reason for this is due to the nature of the follow-up and specialist review necessary for the types of medications used in such treatment. Private diagnosis therefore will not alter the time a patient subsequently has to wait before treatment.

I feel that this wait is totally unacceptable for patients with a mental health condition, and then to be told by her GP that even if you paid privately for a diagnosis, it wouldn't be acceptable for the patient then to receive medication from the GP who can monitor and care for the patient until you are seen (in several years' time) by an NHS Tayside Mental Health consultant specialist, who, it seems, will use the same diagnostic form my daughter filled in and gave back to her GP. This consultant specialist will be told the same information in a few years time that my daughter told her GP this year. I think it's outrageous!       

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Response from Michael Devine, Team Lead, South Perthshire Community Mental Health Team, NHS Tayside yesterday
Michael Devine
Team Lead, South Perthshire Community Mental Health Team,
NHS Tayside
Submitted on 27/09/2024 at 10:01
Published on Care Opinion at 10:02

picture of Michael Devine

Thank you for raising this important issue about ADHD waiting lists in the South Perthshire Community Mental Health Team. I would like to start my response by acknowledging that this will have caused distress for not just yourself and your daughter but to many people waiting on ADHD assessment and treatment in South Perthshire. I would like to offer a whole hearted apology for any distress this has caused and give you reassurances that we are striving to address this important issue.

I would like to thank you for the opportunity to respond to your story as I know many others will have similar experiences. In recent years there has been an increase in demand for ADHD assessment which the service has not had the capacity to meet. This has not just been an issue in South Perthshire but has become a national challenge. While there has been challenges around recruitment of Psychiatrists in South Perthshire again this has been a national shortage. The shortage of Psychiatry at times has meant that we have not been able to provide a service in some parts of the locality for a time however this has not impacted on waiting times for ADHD assessment.

The waiting times are unacceptable and not the service that the people in South Perthshire deserve or expect. I would like to offer some reassurances though that we have a new ADHD co-ordinator in post who will be working hard with all of the Community Mental Health Teams to design pathways and ways of working that will not only allow us to see everyone on the waiting list but also meet demands going forward. The Community Mental Health Teams do accept Private diagnosis and when someone is referred in to the service with the diagnosis we will review the assessment that was carried out to reach the diagnosis and if in agreement will support them to start titration and ongoing treatment of ADHD under the ongoing care of the Community Mental Health Team.

I would also like to remind your daughter and everyone that is on the ADHD waiting list that they are open to the Community Mental Health Team while they are waiting on assessment. While many might be managing there mental health while waiting on assessment there may be people on this list struggling with their mental health. I would encourage anyone requiring additional support to use our duty worker system by calling 01764 657120. This is a service we offer Monday - Friday 09.00 - 17.00. For anyone that requires out of hours support for deteriorating mental health should contact 111 evenings and weekends.

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